Conversation Between Ralz and Elyon Seraphim

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  1. Lulz, I thought like you would say something like that.
  2. P..p...PIRATES!?!?!!?!?!?!??

    BTW, I played the latest version of your game. But I want cocoa...
  3. Yo Ho, Yo Ho! Pirates are aboard!
  4. Hope you enjoy them, now for the plot.
  5. Righty ho.
  6. OK. I have completed my review/revisions to the list, but I still need to get the plot together. I'll bring some ideas to the table that we can discuss soon.
  7. Answer: The RPG Maker VX is almost capable of making anything with the right scripts, And Yes, I can use an Diffuculty Script, Character Scenarios will take some Eventing Time, But it IS possible, Though, Im not super-awesome good with this, But i can atleast make something decent with alittle help.
    Answer's answer: Anything small is a start. The next step will have to be brainstorming and making it work.

    Answer: Of course i can wait, I've waited 3 weeks for your answer, I can wait another 3 weeks if neccesary.
    Answer's answer: Good. I was thinking I'd be out for weeks and eventually get banned. =(

    Answer: That's right, I think i can help with some Baddies as well, But i need some samples, If you create an villian, I can help when we Perfects them, I was gonna say fining but it didn't sound right.
    Answer's answer: Perfect is fine. But the villains can't be perfect, they must be flawed in some way to be effective. The real problem is trying to be original when villains like Kefka and Xehanort have already extablished several staples of insanty, grace, strategy and cunning.

    Answer: The game can be just as long as possible, But if we REALLY are going for over 30 hours, This might take years, My computer might crash if it becomes to long, I must get a better computer, My computer is clearly ancient, It can't even show up an simple picture without driving you nuts.
    Answer's answer: Ooh, that might be a little hard to fit into the schedules I call "life." Since its a download-game, I suppose no one could argue if its just 5-10 hours long. Then again, no matter how fast we are, I can see this whole thing taking at least 6 months.

    Answer: It was delish, Tasted just like Xemnas's NOOHIGNEZZ LAIGH SABERZ.
    Answer's answer: I AM GLAD YOU ENJOYED IT!!!!!! =D

    Answer: Levels can be caped? Yes, I can make super hard secrets bosses, Dimitri from the demo is an example on how i can make them, But i plan on making this game ATB-Based instead, It'll be easier to make hard bosses this way, I can also use an Script to make battles look better, But i STILL has NO HELP AT ALL with Making Photoshop pictures, I DESERVE SOME ****ING HELP!! JHSADJKAFV4G2HC1!!?!#23!AKJH!!35!
    Answer's answer: Like a method of preventing the player from becoming too powerful in the main campaign. I know RPGs are made to allow you to overlevel to make certain parts more difficult, but what if we could limit that? Oh, good. I was thinking the Speed stat would just determine everyone's speed against each other and the opponent(s). Meigumi and Vivi are good, as you probably know. I'm sorry, but I am no good with Photoshop, no matter how many times I've used that excuse.

    Answer:If you want to know something at all, Just shot, Im listening all the time.
    Answer's answer: That'd good. We can also discuss music and other important things once we can really start moving in the right direction. I thank you for your counsel.
  8. Your Quote and Answers:
    Beh... stupid computer. I'm about to go Ars Solum on it...

    I'll just ask some basic junk that's now popping into my head. Hurry, Ralz, hurry!

    1. What exactly is your RPGMaker-whatver capable of? Can we have multiple difficulties? Character senarios? The most complexly-written plot ever? I have ideas, but we need to start from scratch if anything goes amiss.
    Answer: The RPG Maker VX is almost capable of making anything with the right scripts, And Yes, I can use an Diffuculty Script, Character Scenarios will take some Eventing Time, But it IS possible, Though, Im not super-awesome good with this, But i can atleast make something decent with alittle help.

    2. I will one day get my crap together. Can you wait until then? (He hopes...)
    Answer: Of course i can wait, I've waited 3 weeks for your answer, I can wait another 3 weeks if neccesary.

    3. Just a quick reference. When it comes to the plot, has everything been dropped previously? I think Dimitri is our new baddie, right? I can assist when it comes to developing villains. We all know they're way more interesting than the heroes.
    Answer: That's right, I think i can help with some Baddies as well, But i need some samples, If you create an villian, I can help when we Perfects them, I was gonna say fining but it didn't sound right.

    4. Just how big can the game be? (This potentially leads back to question 1.) Can we possibly handle a 30-50 hour game on one game? Would we possibly need multiple releases to get the whole thing going?
    Answer: The game can be just as long as possible, But if we REALLY are going for over 30 hours, This might take years, My computer might crash if it becomes to long, I must get a better computer, My computer is clearly ancient, It can't even show up an simple picture without driving you nuts.

    5. Last, and perhaps most important...

    Answer: It was delish, Tasted just like Xemnas's NOOHIGNEZZ LAIGH SABERZ.

    Heh. I actually meant can you cap levels? Like stop EXP from doing anything at a certain point? Can you create a super-hard secret boss? Super hard secret dungeon? Super secretly hidden or hard to obtain key item that is used to get to the secret dungeon housing previously stated secret boss? *deep breath, sigh* Are we incorporating anime scenes? What about normal scenes? Is it easy to do on your device? (Again, I know next-to-nothing of what you can do, hence all these outrageously numerous questions.) I'll just end this, for now, with...
    Answer: Levels can be caped? Yes, I can make super hard secrets bosses, Dimitri from the demo is an example on how i can make them, But i plan on making this game ATB-Based instead, It'll be easier to make hard bosses this way, I can also use an Script to make battles look better, But i STILL has NO HELP AT ALL with Making Photoshop pictures, I DESERVE SOME ****ING HELP!! JHSADJKAFV4G2HC1!!?!#23!AKJH!!35!

    Whose line is it, anyway?
    Answer: Who? ?_? Nevermind.

    Okay, that's it, I guess. I might ask more if I remember anything else, and if this darned thing cooperates. You can answer any ones you want. Simply not answering tells its own story.
    Answer:If you want to know something at all, Just shot, Im listening all the time.
  9. Beh... stupid computer. I'm about to go Ars Solum on it...

    I'll just ask some basic junk that's now popping into my head. Hurry, Ralz, hurry!

    1. What exactly is your RPGMaker-whatver capable of? Can we have multiple difficulties? Character senarios? The most complexly-written plot ever? I have ideas, but we need to start from scratch if anything goes amiss.

    2. I will one day get my crap together. Can you wait until then? (He hopes...)

    3. Just a quick reference. When it comes to the plot, has everything been dropped previously? I think Dimitri is our new baddie, right? I can assist when it comes to developing villains. We all know they're way more interesting than the heroes.

    4. Just how big can the game be? (This potentially leads back to question 1.) Can we possibly handle a 30-50 hour game on one game? Would we possibly need multiple releases to get the whole thing going?

    5. Last, and perhaps most important...


    Heh. I actually meant can you cap levels? Like stop EXP from doing anything at a certain point? Can you create a super-hard secret boss? Super hard secret dungeon? Super secretly hidden or hard to obtain key item that is used to get to the secret dungeon housing previously stated secret boss? *deep breath, sigh* Are we incorporating anime scenes? What about normal scenes? Is it easy to do on your device? (Again, I know next-to-nothing of what you can do, hence all these outrageously numerous questions.) I'll just end this, for now, with...

    Whose line is it, anyway?

    Okay, that's it, I guess. I might ask more if I remember anything else, and if this darned thing cooperates. You can answer any ones you want. Simply not answering tells its own story.

    Gotta have thinking music, and this is it. YouTube - Near's Theme
  10. Yo, Jinxing again? >: D Hahaha, No worries, I sometimes forgets as well, But honestly, When will your questions come?
  11. I need to stop jinxing myself. The computer's on... You liked it? That's great. Kingdom Hearts games are always fun.

    Tonight will be it. I will delay no longer.
  12. Very Well, And i do agree, Birth By Sleep was excellent, Truely... Never had so much fun on an Kingdom Hearts game. In any case... Can't wait for tonight.
  13. Birth by sleep is the greatest game ever. It's official. Even its music has stuck a chord inside me. Truly brilliant.

    Coincidentally, I came up with my abilities I have at the final level for Ralz. I also came up with a generic accessory list. Of course you can edit it and add your own stuff. Additionally, the music from BBS has allowed me to brainstorm how some of it can be used in our game.

    I believe I can be more active now, assuming the computer doesn't blow up again. I'll give you the stuff tonight.
  14. Sorry I was gone for so long, combination of Birth by Sleep and the computer being down held me back. I think I'm just going to barrage you with some questions I've been wondering tomorrow. So, get ready.
  15. Well thanks! Now i have... Umm... 5 Invisible Cakes to eat! O_o
    Im not going to be hungry for a while... Yikes.
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