Conversation Between Psiko and Freya

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  1. Oho, so they did ruin that as well!

    People wonder why I am an old skool purist! Some things just shouldn't ever be changed!

    There are eight tiers of magic, with both white and black magic, and in each tier you can learn three spells of the four available (assuming you are NOT Red Mage, who can dabble in both up to about Tier 5-6, at which point they are unable to learn anything above there). The mages, as they progress in levels, gain "MP" in each spell tier. So you could cast 5 Tier 1 spells, 4 Tier 2 spells, 3 Tier 3 spells, etc. It made it so you had to choose wisely whether to nuke these wolves with that Fir2 or save the cast for a boss encounter. It made items and equipment that was capable of casting Cur2 all the more vital, because if you blew all your Cur3 spells on the way through a dungeon you would likely be raped by the boss.

    I reckon kids these days hate a challenge, though.
  2. Eh? So what was the magic system like in the old NES version?
    In the GBA version if you use a spell, it's like in every other FF, there is a certain amount of MP that has to be available to use it. (And of course you can only learn three spells each level... which sounded ridiculous at first, but isn't that bad ^^)
  3. Haha, thank you...


    And yes with the first remake (As Origins for the PlayStation) they scaled the levels to go to 99, altered the inventory system, added in Dash (can't object to that), and added in Auto-Targeting. I've not played any later remakes to know if they changed the magic system to MP based or if it is still a set number of casts per magic tier.
  4. Ah, okay, now it all makes sense! ^^ So if you beat the game at level 25, it means I can beat it at level 50. ^^ (Are there 100 levels in FFI? Or 99, whatever xD")
    Btw. your pictures are great, I enjoy your "seal of approval" every time I see it xD
  5. The max level had been 50, and so everything was placed on a different scale as far as levels. Not necessarily less of a challenge, because you are a much lower level as well.
  6. Oookay, that really sounds difficult, particularly the auto-target part. But it sounds as if the game was more interesting this way. ^^"
    And how can you possibly beat the game on Lvl 25 only??? xD" I'm currently Lvl 30 and only have one crystal. I think I wouldn't be able to beat the game if I were many levels lower... .-."" Are the bosses less strong then?
  7. There are three things, really, that "hinders" the NES version but in my eyes gives it more challenge.

    There is no auto-target. If your Thief is set to attack an Ogre and it dies before he attacks, his round is then null. You learn to strategically spread your attacks and have to gauge the average HP of the monsters versus how much damage each character is capable of dealing.

    Second is there was a limitation on equipment. Each person in the party could "carry" four weapons and four pieces of armor. This makes you have to choose between hanging onto the item that is useful equipped or the one you can use in battle for a free effect.

    Third is the fact that there are no "extra areas" with uber equipment and stuff that deters from the original. Levels are hard to come by, and very important in being able to beat the game. I usually am around Level 25 by the end, if that is any indication. I've beaten the game before as low as at 20, although that was quite the task.
  8. Oh, so why is the old NES version a challenge? oo I'm playing the GBA version and if you've levelled enough at the beginning, it's quite easy, but still, if you've not levelled enough, the bosses'll kick your ass pretty much.
    I'm quite sad that I discovered FF so late. I got into RPGs thanks to Zelda. ^^
  9. Yeah, far too many people dismiss it for the characters but I find it great that there is that initial variety available. It is quite the challenge if you play the old NES version, and when it came out the game was simply revolutionary. It was what got me into RPGs, and solidified my heart into video games even moreso than Legend of Zelda or Super Mario Brothers had.
  10. Oho~ Your favorite FF is I? I'm currently playing this one, but it really lacks character developement, though the story is like in IV and V: Great. =D I like all the stories with the crystals, it seems to be the original storyline of FF. :3
  11. Thanks for the rep. I would actually recommend listening to the music while reading the top ten. I had Youtube open in another tab and had each playing as I wrote them.
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