Aww, but they didn't even give you a proper announcement?
Thanks, I think you're the first one to notice or at least say anything. ^^
Heh, congrats on your promotion! =D
I'm not aware of there being any new characters in the International version, but no I haven't played the 360 version. The PS3 has a number of improvements over the 360 version from what I've been able to put together. Depending on how much of a purist you are, you can play SO4 International in Japanese since it is dual language along with 6 subtitled languages. They've also given new GUI options.
Oh, I saw that you bought The Last Hope International recently? Is it any different from the original, or have you played the original yet? I heard there were going to be new characters, but apparently, some sources proved that to be false. And also, just out of my own curiosity if you don't mind it, how come Govinda had her profile erased? ^ ^; Excuse me for asking.
I keep myself somewhat versed in the mythologies of other cultures. I'm not studying it persay.
Ah, so do you study Greek Mythology a lot, or are you just somewhat acknowledged in it? I think there's a Mythology class in Literature class that I'll have to be taking a few years later in school.
It actually holds a couple means. The picture is from an artists rendering of the Princess Andromeda from Greek Mythology, but I believe the galaxy in the sky is probably the artist also putting in the Andromeda galaxy for further significance. And well I thought it would be good to have a double meaning in the banner so I included the galaxy. But my name is in reference to the Princess Andromeda from Greek myth.
You implemented the meaning of your username at the top, right? The galaxy on the top. Or is that just a light?=P
Yeah, I made it last week I think. Time and days it blurred to me. Thanks. ^^ I'm glad you like the banner.
Oh, wow, I love your new banner. I hardly realized that there was a faded picture of a girl looking up on the right. Did you make that?
Creepy, I'm alone now on this forum with two Super Mods...
How long did it take you to become a TFF God?
I heard you used to managed 30+ posts a day! I managed 46 the first week, but I had to leave! So sad I would've had like 5000 posts by now!
Seven YEARS!?!? I struggle to keep mine for 7 DAYS!!