Conversation Between seanb and Firefly

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  1. Y'know I used to watch tv a lot, until I went to college, and didn't have any channels... just dvd's : ) so I actually lost the need to watch telly! It's weird how I don't have a desire to watch it anymore after going without it for nearly a year..
    adventure time! sounds good.... im not worried for you at all! I'm guilty of watching things like that myself at times
  2. I don't watch much TV anymore,but I do love to watch Adventure Time,even though it is kinda child-ish :3
  3. Never heard of it,... but I may check it out.... ha thanks, I'm pretty bad with anime, I like it (the few films I've seen) but dont know wjere to start with it... Someone recommended a thing called Basilisk? What else do you watch?
  4. You ever heard of an anime show called Inuyasha?? Well when I was little I used to buy the cards from the show and collect them,and then put them in the leather pouch my grandma made me

    And no,your not hopeless :]
  5. Thats really interesting.

    What are Inuyasha cards?

    ...I'm hopeless I know!
  6. Ahh,my grandma used to make tons of dreamcatchers and Native American stuff. I have leather pouch she gave me,filled with Inuyasha cards xD My grandma (and her ancestors) are where I got my Irish part of me.
  7. Thats really cool,.. I've a friend in florida whos friends with a native american woman, and she sent over lots of nice handmade dreamcatchers and leather pouches...
  8. I might watch it sometime on Netflix And I don't know the exactly location,I just know that I am part Irish,Native American,Dutch,etc..
  9. You should watch it you might like it

    yea? do you know where you descend from? : )
  10. Nope,..I have never heard of it

    No I don't kow Gillian Welch xD I like classical music,too,but I really don't know the name of any classical songs I like xD

    Lol! You know.. I am part Irish :]
  11. Don't you know, the film, 'Silence of the lambs' ? Hannibal Lecter?
    Its one of my favourite films...

    Cool... yea I pretty much like everything too.. I recently started listening to some country music/Americana kind of stuff... You no Gillian Welch? I'm in love with this one ... ‪Look At Miss Ohio. Gillian Welch.wmv&#x202crlm; - YouTube it just makes me feel so funny sends chills... It makes me want to get a harley and cruise through the states meeting people... anyway
    I also like classical music... Arvo part is a great composer... this ones incredible.. needs to be played loud though if you know what I mean... ‪Arvo Pärt - Cantus in Memory of Benjamin Britten - Datenverarbeiter Video&#x202crlm; - YouTube

    Irish people playing country music is one of the saddest things in the world ... lol
  12. Lol

    And I have never heard of Dr.Lecter :/

    And yep,all kinds of music..except for some country songs >.< How about you? :]
  13. You have no Idea how jealous I am of where you live....

    I'm not scared of snakes in general, but see if I was in the situation you were today, I probably would have went beserk, A SNAKE IN THE WILD ... have you seen steve irwin?! wow you dont know how dangerous it could be
    I like looking at snakes, such unusual creatures... And yea, I think we found it about 2 weeks later, .. my brother only feeds it once a week, and apparently they can survive for months without food ... it was a little thirsty I think but thats it ..
    ...I got tired of my Barry the blender avatar lol ... so I made a new one of Dr. Lecter enjoing a nice pint of Guinness
    Do you like music?
  14. I live in the southern part of America, Tennesse to be honest.

    My grandpa said it was a water snake,but Idk if that is what they know..scientifically lol. And it was about.. 4 feet was HUGE. It scared me to death And thanks, I am sore from that fall and the bruise looks pretty bad xD

    Omg,my step dad used to collect snakes.. all different types. And one day he lost a snake in the house...lets just say that I stayed outside that entire day xD They found it later in the afternoon,it had slithered under the couch >.< And a few weeks later?? Was it dead when y'all found it? Or was it waiting for its next
  15. Like, south of America?? your so lucky, I'd give anything to be in the south ... instead I'm stuck in Ireland... oh well

    Holy! haha to just come across a snake like that.. amazing... you know what kind it was? how big was it? ...haha just read your latest post lol your poor hip...
    my brother has a pet snake... its quite big..
    One time he was feeding it and left the room for a moment and forgot all about it, till later that day when he remembered ... it was gone and we couldnt find it anywhere, it could have gone anywhere in the house....
    Then eventually we found it a few weeks later hiding in an x-box box
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