Only played the demo.
I was playing DMC4 a few days ago. God, I hate the final boss and looking for his weak points. Oh, well that's good news! I thought my match and rival [of sorts] was lost...
Not bad! I'll kill him for lying to you! I'm still alive!
And yourself? Oh, Ralz was saying that you've changed and that you love Kefka and hate Sephiroth... I thought you were dead.
Who's been whispering lies into your ear? Sephy is still my favorite FF villain!
I'm great! Thanks for asking! Is it true that you love Kefka and hate Sephiroth?!
How are you today PMTH?
*it gets so heavy that the gods of metal begin worshipping me* GrrAARRGH!!!! BLOOD! DARKNESS! COME UNTO ME!
*starts to punch the wall* RAORGH! Let the bodies hit the floor! xD
*Gets heavier metal going* XP
*enjoys* xD
*Rocks out on an electric guitar*
Right here! xD *rocks on* Ah, that makes sense! * receives death hug* Blegh!
Where's Kyle? No, I AM Alther Primus, so here, a hug! *Summons a giant demon* Here's your hug!