Conversation Between che and OceanEyes28

145 Visitor Messages

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  1. MSN stopped working on my computer, but I will keep trying/poking you, just wanted you to know my heart will go on.
  2. How did I not know I wrote this article?!
  3. McSweeney’s Internet Tendency: It
    ^I thought of you.

    EDIT: TFF, stop editing the word **** out of links holy shit it makes them not work
  4. Hahaha. It's pretty ****ing creepy.

  5. Do you basically hate this video?
  6. I still love you.
  7. I was hoping to show everyone that 5 words =/= posts will have substance, but I realized the person that's going to hate it most is you because all I do is post in Gen Chat. fml and **** that rule.
  8. Hey you should edit this post:

    Before I have to warn you again. Because yeah, as of the 7th.... warnings for all.
  9. whoa this already is in effect? fml rofl
  10. I was just trying to play along with your avatar.
  11. You're a jerk and I hate you.
  12. YOU ARE.

  13. Well people with senses of humor are bullshit.
  14. You don't HAVE a sense of humor
  15. I would have laughed harder if it was on my page.
Showing Visitor Messages 46 to 60 of 145
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