No problem! And thanks for the concern. I'm sure that it will just take some more time.
Thanks Dodie you always of great help hope you get well sooooon bye
So u never heared of it before! I looked at the site , and there wasn't really such Idiom , so it's meaningless to use it , right
Ummm.... I can't say that I've heard any idioms that use that phrase. The closest one I can think of would be to "strike a cord", which means that something seems familiar to you. Here's a site that lists a bunch of idioms that are related to "problem". It also tells you what they mean and how they're used: English idioms relating to problems-difficulties If you need some more information, I'll help the best I can.
hi dear how are u sorry but i'm in a hurry , could you tell me that is there such idiom in English (strike the problem of sth) please i'm waiting!
Thanks alot ^_^, be ready you will be my own source , I will add you to my favorite ^_* I owe You
I think either way is fine. I personally would go with just saying "Your heart, hands, and tongue" because adding the word "your" before every noun just seems redundant. I'm sure your reader will know that you're talking about the same person without having to add "your" in front every time.
sorry , another question ...... concerning the same last question Your heart , hands , and tongue the question : what's better than the other , to write them like that or to add your befor each one > like your hands , your heart and your tongue ???
Don't worry , your voice will come back soon as I hope , and I'm sure your boss would understand that .... I think your voice would never find better place than your throat ^_^
No problem. My voice hasn't come back yet. It's going to take more time. I'm afraid that if it takes too much longer, I won't have a job to go back to. Oh, well. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
Thanks Miss by the way , is your voice still shy hiding somewhere or came back ^_^ ??
Hmmmm... I think you should use commas. I don't think the ellipses work in that particular way. So my advice is to write it like this: Your heart, hands, and tongue You might want to ask another person for thier opinion though. Even though I speak english, I don't know all the proper rules for correct grammar. I hope that helps.
Thanks .... I have a text and I will translate it into english the text will show as if the speaker is talking to the reader in a way of advicing him- her to do something good It bigins with words as Your heart .... hands ...toungue now the question what's better of the two ways ?is it goo to write it like the previous way or like that your heart , hands , tongue which means is it commas or foll stops ???
Doing pretty good, thanks for asking. Sure you can. I'll do my best to help out and answer whatever question you have.
Hi mate ^_^ how are you? Can I ask you something related to English Language?