Conversation Between Diyala and RamesesII

120 Visitor Messages

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  1. So kind of you to ask cos I'm in the middle of my final exams . Thank Allah till now they are good .
    I will be back as I graduate sooooooooon
    wish me good luck
  2. Hello Himi how are you?
  3. Drawing has halted haha kids are just getting over a cold but the good thing is I am into a new book its really good, it's called 'The men who stare at goats'
  4. how about kids and drawings? haha
  5. Yeah good been busy at work but other than that good.
  6. Thanks , I'm fine what about you ?
  7. Happy birthday how have you been.
  8. I do try and have as much fun as possible with them.
  9. have fun with kids coz it's such a great blessing to see them around though i don't like them that much ^_^....
  10. Yeah I am really good thanks Himi, busy at work at the moment we had a bit of a malpractice on friday and we have had to go through a major safety procedure with paper work and the lot it has been a nightmare haha Other than that playing with the children and sleeping
  11. Hi Rameses how are you
    it's been long time since we've talked...busy with life and kids right !
    hope to see u soon
  12. I never know when your on haha sorry.
  13. I'm ok
    But you always ask and flee ^_^!
    What about you ?
  14. Hey hey how have you been?
  15. Ahaaa After becoming 22 , you're seeing us little kids and don't respond to our messages yea ! , ? ahaa I knew it
Showing Visitor Messages 46 to 60 of 120
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