Conversation Between Diyala and Zargabaath

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  1. Whew !
    Thank God coz that's how I explained when one of my students asked
    I thought I'm such a failer teacher as not preparing myself for such stupid embarrassing questions but thanks anyway , and that's not the first time you know ...there are things that follow no rule in English like when I get angry after hearing them pronouncing the gh in daughter and neighbors , they get even angrier and say then why would they have it in the word itself if it is non spoken ?as this thing isn't stable like in the word often where some ppl utter the T while others don't !
    Languages are really never mastered !
  2. Sure. Up could mean continue forward and down as in backtrack. Deciding which word to use can be relative to the speaker. Whatever they find to be "down or up the street" can be dependent on how they are facing.

    So my I may point behind me and say, "go down this street". But since you are facing that direction, you could see it as "up the street". I find them mainly to be interchangeable words. I can see where your confusion stems from. There are no clear cut rules that I know of for their use. Mainly whatever the speaker decides.
  3. Yes , we're talking about directions and a guy was talking about how to get to somewhere on the map, but this up and down snapped and irritates me
    OK , that means no rule can be followed and no difference between up the street and down the street .... well .. using two words for one thing ..there has to be a clear point where I can use this and not that right ! the problem is no word in my language can match them here
    I thought they might mean go forward and backward ! ..can they ?
  4. Well from what I take away from the meaning, if I understand correctly, it refers to directions. From where a person is they'll go up a street, then make a right and go down "street x" till they reach their destination.

    It could also refer to directions regarding north/south. Up = north. Down = south.

    They also are interchangeable. One person may say "go up this street", but another person - in the same situation - could say "go down this street".
  5. What do you people mean when saying " go up the street or down the street"????
    in my mind the street is always flat how then up and down ?

    Sorry if the question is kind of inept but any convincing explanation will be appreciated
  6. Well I just finished a book that I had sitting for a while. Titled "Hinterland" by James Clemens. A fantasy novel. It was pretty good. It continued the story from the first novel about unraveling the plot of the Cabal (think demons) trying to destroy the world. Though the epilogue of "Hinterland" suggests that another party is truly behind everything.

    It is setting up to be quite interesting. Unfortunately I don't know when the next book will be released. I has been almost 5 years since "Hinterland" and no word of the next book.
  7. Oh , great ! that is a bit stimulating
    then I will come to post here as I finish it
    Well , I was reading a fiction-drama from the early 20th century written by an Irish man who was highly interested in attacking all sorts of human foolishness through his satirical language with big element of comedy in it , but this one is sort of romance comedy
    I read him Pygmalion and I really intend to read him more as I found the art of drama is easy and smooth when read

    The other one is King Arthur and his knights , pretty interesting as magic and witches -which I enjoy reading - took great deal of it .The one I'm reading currently is a one of hundreds of books I read half or nearly so of them and quit for good or bad reasons God knows why . uha up to 1000 ! I can't imagine myself reaching that number specially when talking about reading a foreign language book you know though my sister is reading too much non -fiction books I cant bare !

    Have I talked to you about Paulo Coelho ? my sisters read him alot , he uses symbolism alot in his novels and he is into the Eastern culture as my sister said

    Perhaps you forgot to ask me How Am I ?
    and you also forgot to tell about books your currently reading or have finished
  8. Oh wow, you are right. It has been sometime since last we talked. I've been doing quite well. Work has been busy. I have had some great times with friends. New Year's Eve was a blast.

    What books did you finish and what book are you currently reading? I never skip a chapter cause there may be some tiny detail that could become important later in the story or there can be characterization. 455 pages isn't too bad. I have plenty of books ranging in the 700-1,000 pages long.
  9. Hey Zagrabaath , where have you been all this time >>>under the influence of the Drama I have just finished
    I truly missed chatting with you .Last time I talked to you was when I have just stepped in 23 and now I'm about to turn to 24 , life is so short ..Damn it !
    So , How was/ is life treating you ?

    I actually was talking to sisy about you and that's why I remembered you and came over
    Anyway , I'm glad with myself coz I finished reading two books a couple of weeks ago and I have started the third one as I finished the previous ones^____^ >>>well ,not as many as yours of course , the thing I wanna ask about is that among the several books you read , have you ever skipped some chapters that you think aren't going to make a strong change in the story line and so you can carry on without being bored at some points of the novel /drama specially when the book is 455 pages long?
  10. Never been , never seen , only read and heard !
  11. Well couples celebrate being together after a certain amount of time. Like 25 or 50 years, usually a dividend of 5. I guess if some ciuples don't have a deep or good relationship then they probably won't care to celebrate.

    Have you been to Diala? Or have just seen some pictures?
  12. That's wonderful ! hmmm 50th wedding anniversary ha! half a century then ...congratz to them for completing all those years together !

    Is it something common that all couples celebrate their wedding anniversary there ? or it depends on the depth of their relationship ?

    Me , nothing new as you can see except my name lol , we had visitors that I haven't seen in a while like yours and it was good seeing them again .

    Ah my name ..well I thoght I never loved the previous one as I do with the new one ^^
    Diyala is a name with Arabic origins , it means the green land , there is also a twon in Iraq called Diala which was why I loved it even more .
  13. I am doing good. I just got back from a party. It was my grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary. The food was good & I saw a few people I had not in a while.

    What's up with you? I see the name change, what was the inspiration for the new name?
  14. Hey Zargabaath , how have you been ?
  15. Perfect ! I myself don't usually eat chocolate though I love them but I become afriad of gaining weight , and I do brush my teeth dialy but it can't be helped that they hurt , have you heard of wisdom teeth ? they're gonna drive me crazy !
    Celebration was wonderful , yeah in my grandma's house though it felt sad without grandpa but it was good , we had big feasts for 3 days , Chocolate and different kind of chocolate , money lol this one for kids only , and well dressed ppl and refreshing scents covering the place specially when family and friend is around .
    I have no school now and I wish to get a job soon ,I study on my own different books I downloaded.
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