Conversation Between Diyala and Meier Link

58 Visitor Messages

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  1. really ! , so i have to delete the message you've sent right ?
    I mean If I mistakenly post two replies once again, hope that won't happen at any rate ,what will you do to me ?
    hahaha ! i don't want to be kicked out >_<
    and really thank you chap once again
    your speech pleased me ^_^
    Thank God!
  2. That is correct. The 5 point penalty has been removed. You are not in trouble for that post.
  3. . I went ahead and removed to warning.I didn't get this part ?
    does it mean I'm no longer being warned??
  4. Sorry I didn't realize that you had posted the first one back on the 22nd. I went ahead and removed to warning. Sorry once again, I should of paid more attention.

    I was in a hurry when I looked at that thread and my son was annoying the heck out of me heh. Sucks being sick.
  5. Oh my God ! another warning !
    aren't you the one who gave me the link ? then where should i write my request!
    I post that one long time ago and i post the last one coz i need a help
    then tell me what !!
  6. Try here first:

    It is a thread in the ID section of the forum. I think most of the people that post in that area of the forum would be of great help. Just make sure to write out more then a paragraph because the ID forum rules are a litle different then the rest of the forum.
  7. If I want to ask for a help in English language where should i go to post my request and are they going to help me or ....???
  8. If I want to ask for a help in English language where should i go to post my request or make a thread for that??
  9. Ok , I will say this conversation wasn't useless at all
    coz i learnt the meaning of
    null and void
    see you around ^_^
  10. Nope you have done nothing wrong. Actually I found it kind of funny, when I got home last night I took another look at Andros story and he has actually approved people to now make comments in it. So the whole point in contacting you about it is now null and void haha.

    And as far as I know no one here thinks you are troublesome and I know just abo;ut everyone here haha.
  11. Aha you mean like that !
    you're a big help
    thanks chap
    If i did something wrong again I will ask you
    so I think I'm touroblesome
    No problem , soon i will get used to this place
    thanks once again
  12. Heh it's alright and I am sure Andro will enjoy the praise. If you use the view conversation button and then type a responce it send your message directly to that persons profile page.
  13. Generally around here we don't write comments in the middle of peoples stories unless they ask for it. Andro is usually pretty good about putting up a comments thread and that is usually where Andro will make comments or allow people to comment on the story at hand.

    Also if you like that one, Andros "Shift" is a very good read. I need to finish that one up even though it is still a work in progress.
Showing Visitor Messages 46 to 58 of 58
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