Np XD I'm fine, still a bum lol. I thought u got kidnapped by the stork for doing too much work
Thanks Mel! How the hell have ya been?
Happy birthdayyy!! :3 <3!
I f*cking hate you!
heheeh it's kaay.
Totes passed the **** out last night. Sorry Mel!
you would say that
lol Popeye = Pete I'm Popeye the sailor man. I live in the garbage can, I turned on the heater and blew off my wiener I'm POPEYE THE SAILOR MAN!!!! *jazz fingers*
Popeye is the shit.
It's funny cause it's true. And I'm not even kidding, sometimes it DID feel like that
lol look pete it's you and meier: YouTube - Cyanide & Happiness - Beer Run
heheeee, me tooo! I think I'm going to see id I can watch it online a little later The Fox and the Hound too.
I LOVED the brave little toaster!
You don't even know Pete lol And those guys at work are just jealous. I have one douche, not cool douche, but douche I work with, I try to ignore him.
I'm glad that the inner workings of my life make yours complete