Conversation Between Darkdragoon and Unknown Entity

165 Visitor Messages

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  1. Aced? Go Waterdragoon! =D
  2. Studying for SS study's, even tho i think i aced it ^^
  3. All night? =O
  4. heh ^^ Im fine! Sorry that your hungry ad tired =[ I was up all night finishing my math, and S.S. Homework... ^^
  5. I'm hungry and tired. I was up at 6am to go to college for two hours. It's 11:30am, and I'm home. Stupid timetable. ><;;

    How're you? =]
  6. =] Hiya Unknown!
    Your like my only friend thats on... ^^' i mean... Yea ^^...
    NVM bout that!
    How're you today?
  7. Not really. We have double the homework to do, really. The shortest assignment I've done was nine pages long - the longest was almost forty. =S
  8. =O super lucky!!!!!!!!!
  9. Nope, no big tests. Not even a quiz or two. XD
  10. No big tests at the end of the year?!?!
    Lucky ^^ JK!
  11. That's very true, but on my course we do that anyway. There is no tests for us - it's 100% coursework based, so LOADS of homework that gets worked on in lessons and at home. =[

    So I see what you mean. XD;;
  12. yea but, when you get that time in class, dont you just want to atleast get your HW 12% done? Lol.
  13. Eww. Test. *shudder*

    Isn't homework ment for home? =P
  14. Well in america your required to learn that stuff Lol ^^'

    You learn about different Civilazations, you have lesson worksheets, then... You have the test!!!
    *dramatic music in the background*
    Heh heh ^^
    You i hate my S.S. teacher. Every class, he has to give a big speech about nothing!!! And we dont get any time to do our home work =@
  15. Ugh, some teachers eh?

    I didn't take Social Studies when I was at school. What's it like?
Showing Visitor Messages 46 to 60 of 165
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