Hmmmmmmmm... Should I have the Heliminer as an Airborne Slave Minertype thing? with mechs instead of slaves?
Well... the helimiiner would be airborne!!!
You didn't have to remove his weapons, I was only suggesting that it would be better if he could only attack land units. As for Yuri...not quite sure, lets say Slave Miner.
OK! Is this better? Heliminer is definite for Paragon (airborne miner, No weapon) next, Yuri. Chaos miner? (chaos drone weapon) or Slave miner.
Not bad, also I really like the idea that at least on of these factions are not going to use a "Harvesters",in this case Cybertech. It's cool that Paragon's "harvesters" will have ability to defend themselves but the ability to even shoot at aircraft's is little too much, I mean they're just "harvesters".
OK! Also, how do these "Harvesters" Sound? ALLIES:same SOVIETS:same YURI:Chaos miner, or slave miner? Cybertech: N/A, uses an oil derrick. Anubis:Geneticannon miner Paragon:Heliminer, or medusa Miner? (uses missles aginst everything, including aircraft)
Well, that really sucks. It would be too convenient if each faction would have an air pad, I will say only for allied factions.
Meh... not as lucky... Just starting school again, but I've been thionking, in my mod, should each faction have an airpad? or should that be allied exclusive?
I have pass the exam I had yesterday, after that my friend organized a huge party so we drink till five in the morning. How about you?
So... whaqt's up?
I don't know have you heard anything about it but there are some exciting news about C&C4. It seems that GDI and NOD are going to be an allies, and you know what that means ... Kane will finally be on the good side.
Similar thing happened with my FF VII, one video scene didn't work properly and I wasn't able to continue from that point. My brother managed to erase that video and after that everything was fine. And my old copy of DMC 3 for PC for some strange reason doesn't play videos at all, you must start them manually.
I dunno, but the M12 simply won't load, I need to hack my PS2 someday, then I'll hack DMC3 and remove the cutscene or something... it works fine for Vergil though.
Playing DMC, that's great. This is the first time I hear that DMC3 won't work for one character, really strange. So how did that actually happen?
Well, I've been playing a LOT of DMC and RA3, but my DMC3 won't work anymore for one of the charactors *sniff sniff* I can't use dante an M12 unfortunately.