Conversation Between DARKSLAYN and Rinoa Leonhart

59 Visitor Messages

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  1. S-Sorry..U-ull haft to wait till tomarrow to see them..b-because m-my computer wont let m-me upload them...*cries*
  2. okkk
  3. T-Thank you..N-Now I will upload them..Hold on a sec..k-k??A-And I posted a T-Thread too..I-Its called G-Greetings from Rinoa Leonhart:The Beloved Summoner..
  4. sure
  5. U-Um...SLAYN??I-I was wondering..I-If I could s-show u how I-I can draw FF?I--I was going to upload the i-into my album..a-and i-i want u and c-cloud to be the first t-to see them...??
  6. M-Mine was FFX but the very first one i beat w-was FFIX..i loved the story so..a-and when i first fell in love w-with ffvii was when i-i saw FFVII-AC
  7. ff 3 or 4 it was my uncle's game
  8. y-yes that is so cool...I love all FF games...w-what is the v-very first FF u-u played....
  9. ff12 since it has that new battle system
  10. Yea...^^ and so...w-whats ur f-fav FF?
  11. thats alright and cool we were born same year
  12. T-thank you..I noticed u were born in the same yr as me..thats cool.and thank you..and sorry about the s-studdering..I am real shy once it comes to being new to a site u can ask cloud that lol....
  13. heh the feeling is the same here........thnx and im here to help ppl new to this place
  14. um..hello...thank you for the friend request.Um..I am new here..I thank you.Um my name is Rinoa Leonhart.Thank you again.Ur friend Cloud 7 Strife is real nice.And I hope we can be great friends..and um..nice pic by the way...
Showing Visitor Messages 46 to 59 of 59
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