Conversation Between Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima and Diyala

81 Visitor Messages

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  1. That's right . now it's 1:56 am
    Oyasimi >>if you like japanese language
  2. Well, I went to grandma house and did some cleanings for her (since she is around 90 she can't do all the work herself ) then I drank tea with her and tried to get her some pleasure that she is longing for ^^
    I came home around 7pm and prepared myself as my sister was on her way from a far away city so yea as a visiting , I am glad I saw her . We played some wii games all together ( my sisters as well nieces ) so we had fun then we ordered dinner and heh it was on me Thank God there wa enough money in my wallet coz the dentist is going to turn me poor
    so today we had really much of fun .
    And you ?
  3. I Hope So Too...Hehe So How Are You Doing Today? Or What Did You Do? Oh Wait, Maybe That Was Yesterday For You...XD Well, At Any Rate, Whats Up?
  4. Sure !nothing wrong with that , and I hope you get what you want on your next birthday^^
  5. Thanks For That Anyway, It Is True, As Long As People Wish Me A Happy Birthday, I Should Be Happy Too...I Just Like Spending Time With My Family And Friends, So It Is Nice If I Get To Do Stuff With Them For My Birthday, Cause I Like To Share It With Them, You Know?
  6. Well you are 18 but still speaking like a mature person and that what I really like about you ( that you're eager to not leaving the strong connection of the family coz they were and still are the reason of you having these birthdays after all ) . I think it's not you that must stick this icon It's you're cousin who must have missed a great pearson in his party may be he forgot to invite you , I like to look for excuses when some people do things unintentionally which would give bad impression about them .

    When your birthday comes you don't have to bother thinking of what you should do for it as Happy birthday from someone you love would be enough
  7. I Did Wanna Go, But He Had His Birthday With His Friends And His Girlfriend...No Family Was There...I Probly Should Have Asked, But Oh Well. I Think Its Family Only Till 18, Once You 19+ Family Stops Celebrating Together, But Wish Them A Happy Birthday Anyway...IDK. I Hope I Can Have A Party With The Family Still...Even Though I'm Gonna Be 19 In November...It Would Suck If I Didn't Do Anything At All For My Birthday
  8. I'm sorry! I was going to ask about your cousin's birthday by the way ,what was more important that stopped you from going ? I think I'm awfully being inquisitive lol but I was really glad that you wanted to celebrate with your family
  9. Not Bad, And It Is Good You Got To See Your Grandmother Didn't Get To Celebrate My Cousin's Birthday Though Sadly
  10. Hey
    I visited my grandma and my doctor as well ^^
    and how was yours?
  11. Hey Himi How Was Your Weekend? What Did You Do?
  12. Meh, Nothing New, Just Glad I Finished My Presentation For Today And I Actually Did Quite Well Compared To Others In My Class...XD

    So I'm Somewhat Happy, Plus It Is My Cousin's 19th Birthday Today, So Yeah.
  13. Other than visiting the dentist who was a bit scary, nothing new !
    And you ?
  14. Ahh, Okay Then. I Had A Feeling It Was Early Wherever You Are. Anyway, How Are You Doing Today? Anything New Happened?
  15. At the time you typed it was almost 3 am =)
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