Conversation Between Fate and Ethan Blitzball King

184 Visitor Messages

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  1. Welcome to the Blitzballer Universe Fate
  2. Man I have a stalker that I was stalking wow wanna be friends?????
  3. *stalks back*
  4. I am stalking you see I see everything you do
  5. Alright you were right I was comming back but I have to leave again very soon so tell me that you hate me and we'll get this over with
  6. Are you sure I could be logging off for the last time ???????
  7. Nar, 'cause I know you'll be back. ^ ~
  8. Are you sad that I am going away?????
  9. Buh-bye~
  10. Ok I will I g2g so TTYL ok???????
  11. Ah, I can see it~! =D Need help with anything else, just let me know. =)
  12. There is that better??????
  13. Then after the R in the first [SPOILER], put an equal sign = and type in My Blitzball Kingdom.
  14. I put that there I wanted it to say My Blitzball Kingdom
  15. It's working~. =) And oh, yeah, do you want to replace the SPOILER!! thing in front of the button with something else that you like?
Showing Visitor Messages 46 to 60 of 184
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