I'm quite alright lol
Wikipedia is a proven lifesaver heh heh. I'm not so bad thanks, yourself?
At first I tried recalling all of the G-enemies on memory, but that didn't get far lol thank god for wikipedia How're you?
Ooooh, sounds awesome! And complex.
Red Leather, it's the Ranks and Things post Ralz is going to help me set up a rank system for the few members I have lol I put a lot of research into the current skeleton of it's Tier System
Ah... What group?
I'm ok lol just finished a huuuuuuuge post for my group, took forever and it's still in Beta state
Ah just life issues xD I shall be fine. How are you today?
why down?
Tad drunk, little down. But I'm okay.
I'm a bored bored child lol how're you?
So how's it going?
yeahhhhh lol
I still like hammer time though haha.
that 'twas a Group X reference lol