Conversation Between Nightmare Cloud and final fantacy_tifa

56 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yea I have loads I think mmy moms trying to get me fat
  2. Yummm! Sounds better than the Easter stuff I got haha xD
  3. That's what I plan on doing I has a easter bunny its 1 foot tall (yummy)
  4. Ah fair enough. Have something sugary/containing caffeine to try and keep you awake then?
  5. Na I got 4 puppy n if I fall asleep thel destroy the house so I can't do that
  6. Gahhh that sucks dude... Try get some sleep?
  7. Yea I hate today I'm sick n I'm sooo tired and my hole body is numb I dought today could get any worse lol
  8. Haha I'll talk to anyone who wants to talk to me xD Ah that's fine, I know mobile Internet can fail hard.
  9. Ommg some one who is willing to talk and srry if I get back to u slow its cus I'm on my cell n it loads slow
  10. Hellooo ^_^
  11. .................Hi
Showing Visitor Messages 46 to 56 of 56
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