hey, just wanted to say that I will be out of town so I probably wont get a chance to talk to you tomorrow, but it will only be for one day so I will talk to you after then. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Rocky
If I get accepted into what I want to.. I start in July so that's a long holiday for me. I guess ill work, catch up with friends and all that =)
Yippee! I was just going to tell you happy graduation, but you beat me to it! lol. Now what are you going to do with all this new fangled free time on your hands? So much to do before you go off to college! At least that's how it was for me... I hope you get to have an awesome summer! When do you go back to school?
Oh class.. I am so glad I graduated =D I have a lot of time off now =D
Hey you. Thought I should respond right before going to class. Hope you have a great day today!
Hello =D
Oh thank you. That is really thoughtful of you I do hope that it will turn itself around soon. I am sure it will, just gotta be patient and wait. Glad to hear that about you also
Just read your journal, and yeah I definitely feel for ya with the whole way on how life seems to be rollercoaster time and time again, lol. I was on the downward a while ago, but now I'm coming back on the upswing! Hopefully your chance will come soon, no worries!
Yeah, I guess that would be the right thing to do and the most logical. But it just doesn't seem possible right now. It would be really awkward if they were to take some kind of offence. They are also dating someone so it would be rude. ><
No prob and thanks for complimenting my musical taste! I read today's entry and from my opinion, I think it would be the best if you told this person how you really felt about them; It doesn't have to be like "Yeah lolz I liek u lots so now we must go out lol!" but as long as you establish that you are interested in them that way, who knows how things will turn out. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I say this b/c I made the mistake of not doing that and possibly missing out on something that could of been great, but do what you feel is right, first and foremost!!
Thank you for the rep and taking your time to read that really long entry. =]