Conversation Between Azuteor and Fate

276 Visitor Messages

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  1. I'm officially a senior now. x_x; I'm almost graduating.
  2. High school, eh? Which year?
  3. I'm in high school!
  4. Yeah, I am in middle school. And it's really easy, too. Are you in high school still, or college?
  5. You're gonna hate yours in the future!

    Just kidding, but you're gonna have to do a lot as you get older.

    You in middle school?
  6. I'm already enjoying summer...
  7. Wait till you get to summer. It's all gonna change, haha.
  8. That's a lot to do for summer. All I have to do is not kill myself... No, but seriously, I get the whole summer off.
  9. Summer Reading, Ad Sales for Newspaper, and volunteer work for National Honor Society.
  10. Yup! I'm on vacation!^^

    Why do you have homework in the summer? Is it that summer reading thing?
  11. I am. You?

    I have summer homework and volunteer work to do.
  12. Aren't you out of school yet?
  13. lol yeah! I've been busy! It'll only get busier now~ x_x
  14. Azuteor? I haven't talked to oyu in a while!^^

    Heh heh. ^^;
  15. holy crap dude, already in the 900+ in post counts. Take a breather why don'cha!
Showing Visitor Messages 46 to 60 of 276
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