Conversation Between Clint and OutlawTorn

48 Visitor Messages

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  1. Someone's feelings got hurt. And your jokes aren't funny. But then, it was never a joke, was it?

    And before you tell ME to "be a man", slide those panties off and deal with Private shit Privately. If Clint Eastwood met you tommorow, he would stare at silently in disgust, and as opened your mouth to speak, he'd slap the bitch out of it, because you are the polar opposite of everything that man is and stands for.
  2. Someone's feelings got hurt. And your jokes aren't funny. But then, it was never a joke, was it?
  3. Quote Originally Posted by OutlawTorn
    My super hero name would be Michael J. Saulnier. I'd ask you what yours would be, but you'd still be a sad, self-loathing and insecure troll on a dying video game forum who spends his time arguing with a better troll, being ruthlessly humiliated, saying stupid, immature and arrogant shit like, "If I need a walkthrough, the game is too stupid to play."

    You're an ode to humanity, my friend.
    This is the private message you sent me. I don't have a reply. I just figured I'd share your comment on a public forum so that everybody can see how much of a loser you are. If you don't know when somebody is making a joke as opposed to being serious, you're an idiot. Have a nice day.
Showing Visitor Messages 46 to 48 of 48
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