Conversation Between bahamuts heir and Firefly

475 Visitor Messages

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  1. God I know how that feels my old computer's data was completely trashed by my sister and the family laptop is never available(thank god for my itouch)
  2. Sure..n sry my laptop got a virus..right now I am on my grandparents
  3. Where ya been I've missed you and I wanted to know if you wanted to join my tff family.
  4. Normal day been in a bit of pain when I exert myself though(nothing to worry about(family is all about being frustrating)
  5. stuff.My nana is kinda ticking me off..nothing really severe. Soo wats up with u?
  6. Curious now
    how come you're mad?
  7. lol..I aint bored..kinda mad though..> Wats up wit u?
  8. What's up? Am I the only one bored?
  9. Good thing too that would be wierd. Lol
  10. idk....i isnt u
  11. Ya you know after the first half of the day where I was pissed I've been very happy since like an hour ago wonder why.
  12. LMAO! *hug* Better?
  13. Girl I can't tell when you'll be on anymore want a reunion hug? Lol
  14. Sorry about the delay I got grouneed for having my itouch in my room
  15. lol...he gave me a signed blitzball
Showing Visitor Messages 46 to 60 of 475
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