Conversation Between Sasquatch and Clint

51 Visitor Messages

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  1. The thread isn't serious. That's why it's not in ID. That's why its about the guy looking like a chicken, instead of his actual political policies. Or did you miss the opening post? Excuse me for actually having a sense of humor. I had no idea I had to take everything seriously to be smart.
  2. Whenever I see a post of yours, such as your recent post concerning Rick Santorum, I think back to the visitor message in which you told me that you "have plenty intelligent to say" ... and I laugh. Thanks for making me laugh again.
  3. I have plenty intelligent to say, which I proved with my previous statement towards you. The only reason I stopped posting in Intellectual Discussion is that it's impossible to have an intellectual discussion with somebody like you. Though in most cases, it is impossible to have a civil discussion with a troglodyte, so that essentially makes perfect sense.

    You don't help people make themselves look stupid. You make yourself look stupid, which is impressive, since you aren't stupid.
  4. That's odd -- I simply assumed you stayed out of Intellectual Discussion because you have nothing intellectual to say. Seriously, when is the last time you've had anything serious to post? Now, I realize that, for some reason, you intentionally portray yourself as a pretentious schmuck on the forums here, and I'm sure you enjoy doing that. But you must appreciate the irony in the person who hardly ever says anything that isn't intentionally stupid complaining about the way somebody talks to somebody else. Yes, I help people make themselves look stupid. But they do most of the work on their own. If somebody doesn't like that, they have two choices: they can either not be stupid, or they can choose not to debate with somebody who will point out their stupidity.
  5. I remembered why I don't post anything in ID anymore. I was going to, since I enjoy discussing things intellectually, but the more I read your ramblings, the more pissed off I got. It's not that I don't agree with you. You make very valid points. You just treat people like shit. People don't deserve to be patronized. You're intelligent enough where you should realize how immature that is. You make intellectual discussion on this forum completely impossible, because you continuously manipulate conversations to invoke negative emotional responses. You come off as bordering on egocentrism and narcissism. That is all.
  6. I'm not narcissistic, I'm just better than you.
Showing Visitor Messages 46 to 51 of 51
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