Conversation Between Taco-Calamitous and Incognitus

53 Visitor Messages

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  1. PS, I am responding to everything you say even though I don't necessarily have anything to say because I am afraid you will leave again if I don't. Even though this might be more annoying than me not responding to you and you getting bored with it. Maybe I should think through that strategy more.
  2. Oh no you didn't! You go traipsing about as that dog, make sure you don't go near anyone with a hunting rifle, lest you get shot! (It's a good thing we are not our avatars...)
  3. Fish has been changed. Found a much more diabolical villain to take Professor Trout's place as my avatar.
  4. Ha. I suppose I can't argue with that. That fish in your avy is alarming. Top hat AND handlebar moustache?! I don't know how to handle that!
  5. Because you are a sensible man and fleeing would be the most sensible thing to do in that situation.
  6. Why does Telegraph flee? Hi buddy! You should come back from the grave again.
  7. SOLDIER #819 casts REVIVE on Randomosity.
    Randomosity REANIMATES!
    Randomosity casts THRILLER on Self.
    Randomosity DANCES unusually!
    Telegraph flees!
    SOLDIER #819 approves!
    Randomosity returns to THE GRAVE.
Showing Visitor Messages 46 to 53 of 53
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