Conversation Between che and Pete

59 Visitor Messages

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  1. Actually I slept in super late today because we went out last night and shit got crazy after midnight on the official release of our birthday. But I was still happy to wake up, yes! Happy birthday sir.
  2. Happy birthday brosef. I hope you're feeling just as peachy as I am this morning.
  3. Double birthday present?!
  4. We could just Eiffel Tower her
  5. You know how we do, playa.
  6. grenade free america? i like
  7. Hahaha! Then that's what I'll do! Rofl.
  8. You shouldn't go lol. But really, just keep to yourself and don't make any comments out loud. It's a bunch of roided up douchebags who are overly sensitive, and dumb tanorexic chicks with no common sense. Keep your mouth shut and watch the circus from afar
  9. I'm going to the Jersey shore with my gf and her parents from Saturday--->Saturday. What should I do/not do?
  10. btw how you been playa?
  11. oh you know it
  12. good man. you'd best be making me proud
  13. yeah busy with summer festivities
  14. you still alive?
Showing Visitor Messages 46 to 59 of 59
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