Conversation Between Alther Primus and Elyon Seraphim

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  1. Your move.
  2. Attacks are done!
    I'll explian once I get up the motivation to take two snapshots
  3. Honestly, Just try to make up something, Thats why i gave control of the character to you, Because you can make it do something i didnt think off, It gets more interesting that way too
  4. Yes do explain.
  5. By the way, can you adjust transparency levels for FX in VX? I can give an example if you would like.
  6. Sorry, I simply don't know what I could have the enemy do
  7. Hey, Alther, Now you are dead again, Dude, You have to make your move, But do tell if you're busy.
  8. Its your turn to control in the Tournament, And hows the game going?
  9. Hey Alther, I have opened the new Tournament and updated my Movelist and Perfect Stats thread, Well, Here are the changes for my character in case you are interested.

    Elyon Updates:
    Elyon's True Power Mode is no longer a Passive, But a move, A very very VERY risky move.

    Elyon's Passive; Particularly Invincible has reduced protection, Only reducing all damage by 50% instead of 90%.

    Some of Elyon's Skills, Passives and Overlimits in his Movelist has being replaced and some removed completely.

    I think its time for you to start making your Movelist, Just check the thread.
  10. 1. You install Mugen
    2. Unzip
    3. Place it in chars directory
    4. Edit Select.def in the data directory to include Kaname
    5. ??????
    6. Profit!

    Where'd you find this "guide?" If it's not on Mugenguild, then it's no good.

    If you still need help, I'll do that for you (Pain as it would be)
  11. You know, I give up, Im reading a guide; "Mugen For Dummies", And i dont understand a shit, Cant you just add the file yourself along with MUGEN and send me it, Much easier that way, Because im too dumb adding the character myself.
  12. Have you tried extracting it with WinRar?
  13. I cant open the system, Its treated as a Music File, I actually havent used MUGEN much at all, So im totally clueless, Care to give instructions?
  14. Nevermind, Im just being an idiot.
  15. I love to test out everything beforehand, Im not used to MUGEN though, So i hope the controls are nicely placed.
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