Conversation Between Fate and Taco-Calamitous

81 Visitor Messages

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  1. The "Anyhoo" part I think came from my brother; he always ends his messages with "Anyways..." I started copying him, and he called me out on it, so I stopped... and barely changed it up. The "Wuv, Yer Mom" came from one of my very first blogs. It started as "Wuv, Tom" and then the second one was "Wuv, Yer Mom" for some reason. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  2. When did you develope that "Anyhoo... Wuv, Yer Mom" trademark saying?
  3. You should play it. It's an awesome game. He is my favorite boss from it (Storm Eagle.) Also, I don't have that old avatar on me right now; I'll change it back to that later. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  4. For some reason... But I haven't played Megaman X, only th e Battle Networks and the Zeroes.
  5. It annoys you? How? You ever play Mega Man X? Since you asked nicely, though, I will change it. Mostly because I don't mind.
  6. Fine! Please change your avatar back to the seemingly fox that it was, because this current avatar is looking annoying.
  7. You're a ruler of what? Certainly not of me No one rules me!
  8. But, but but, an order is an order, right? I may be young, but I'm still a ruler!
  9. Ha ha, he was flipping you off, actually. And he's supposed to be a fox.

    Maybe I'll do it, if you ask me nicely
  10. That thing with the red... dog(?) giving a thumbs up!
  11. To what?
  12. I order you to change your avatar back!
  13. Because, that's not me fighting. And besides, older sisters are more useful; they can slap!
  14. If I'm "undermining" you from fighting me, then why are you threatening me with your "older brothers?"
  15. Well, I was trying to, but I couldn't when you're undermining me!
Showing Visitor Messages 46 to 60 of 81
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