Conversation Between Meier Link and Rocky

82 Visitor Messages

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  1. haha, I'm kinda lost on what you are talking about actually, but carry on!!

    One more day then I'm out for the week for thanksgiving break woohooo! How are things at the homestead?
  2. You know I am still winning in the post war right? The challenge is still on!!!! Haha. Just playing around. Damn I am bored.
  3. Also I second what Pete said but I am talking about me instead of him.
  4. yup once again..... bitch.....
  5. once agin..... bitch.....
  6. bitch.
  7. hell yeah mans we run this town tonight
  8. Oh and on a related note that also makes Fate your half brother.
  9. "you are O- as well! We could be related as blood brothers or something. This is awesome!"

    Rocky I must admit, there is a reason you and I share the same blood type. I am your father. You mother and I conceived you when I was at the tender age of 7.5 years old. I am sorry you had to hear it this way. But if it makes you feel anybetter that is why you are good looking.
  10. I have already set my quiting date, October 1st. So sounds like a deal to me!

    Speaking of challenges, I know that you've been trying to kick the habit of smoking, so I'll make you a deal. I'll give up caffinated beverages (pop/coffee/red bull/etc.) if you give up smoking. I've been on a big healthy kick as of late and want to try this out lol, but I've been needing some motivation. You up for it sonnnn?
  12. BTW I just tied you on post count and yes that is a challenge!
  13. I love Rocky.
  14. nice, thanks for adding me and yes, I agree we should have a tff chat again sometime very soon, it's been long overdue lol.
  15. I just added you to the list, well I did about an hour or so ago haha.
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