Conversation Between Yoko and Pete

81 Visitor Messages

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  1. I need to try this!

    Lookie lookie, I play with the big boys now! :3
  2. That raspberry beer is probably Purple Haze by Abita Brewing Co. So goooooood
  3. Woo! Nailing asses to walls seems tricky and messy though. You seem good at it though
  4. Oh its more than patience. It's having an eye for detail and a bullshit detector, because people will lie like hell to get away with not doing things right. It's sad really, because if things go wrong, I just have to pull up a report and nail their ass to the wall.
  5. You have patience. I wouldn't be able to handle that.
  6. Oh i'm just sitting in my truck waiting on a concrete truck to come. its scheduled for the next few minutes, but it could take hours. Fun times!
  7. Wonderful. Had a great sleep. How about yourself?
  8. And how are you feeling on this fine morning
  9. haha. Steel Plate. Or damn good breast implants. Mmmmm.
  10. I just don't know how some people don't know where they "stand" on boobies. And hell, if you can stand on them, the girl in question needs a good bra.
  11. Oh, I'm sure everything will turn out for the best, or at least I hope they do, for you! And yeah, weekends and days off just never seem to be long enough.
  12. Annnd, now I'm sober. To be honest. I haven't heard too much. Not since yesterday anyway. I'll probably call her tomorrow if I don;t hear anything.

    This break just was not long enough.
  13. Too drunk to talk about it. I'll tell you later. =)
  14. Good to hear! How's everything on the mom front?
  15. Peachy as always my good sir!
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