Conversation Between Michael Swayne and Rowan

78 Visitor Messages

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  1. Which character are you using in place of cloud for the moment?
  2. Everything story-wise was being thrown at me at once. And now I find out that Cloud has Mako poisoning. Before I stopped playing last week, I went to Mideel in a rush but never saved. So before I go there again, I want to have everything ready.
  3. Ahh, the old days of having to remember who had what materia. That was one thing that anoyyed me, was when materia was discarded from equipped characters. Why havnt you wanted to go there?
  4. It's stagnant. Right now, I have all my Materia listed on my dry erase board. I am going to divide it up to the party now that Cloud is no longer part of it. Right now he is missing. I know where to go, I just haven't wanted to go there.
  5. So hows ff7 going?
  6. Everything is fine. Just been in my head lately. Understandable considering everything that's been happening lately. I am okay now.
  7. Havn't seen you on msn for a while. Hope all is well, man.
  8. Thanks! Chances are I will be asking a lot of questions.
  9. So you havn't finished it before? You are in for a treat. Its my favorite ff game. if you need any help with it, just ask me. Especially with the optional 'weapon' bosses.
  10. I don't really remember what I received. I think it was two accessories like the Fire Ring and a status ailments prevention one. Whatever they were, they aren't anything I use. Else I would have remembered them. I have only played through Disc 1 one other time.

    Thanks for the tip about the Battle Arena. I thought I was just lucky when I would get Toad reels while I was preventing Toad with my accesories.
  11. What did you win after completing 8 battles for dio?
    Also, the worse the handicap you recieve on the slots (eg. all materia broken, weapon broken etc) will grant you far more BP once you complete the battles. I remember getting 13,000BP after 8 battles because the handicaps were ... very handicapped.

    Also, how many times have you played ff7 prior to this?
  12. Yeah, I read that. It was very interesting. I will consider it when I get further in the game and know what those Materia you mentioned are. Thank you for the tip.
  13. I posted in the ff7 forum a little while ago with my build for cloud, you should check it out. It may enlighten you on new ways to combine materia.
  14. Here's the link I was looking for that has the titles of each thanks rating.

    A Guide to User Reputation
  15. There is a PSP version, but I have the PS2 version. The PSP game actually has more games than the PS2 version. In the PS2 game, there are 20 trophies you can earn by completing challenges. For example, in Chinese Checkers, you earn a trophy by making a six-piece jump. In Chess, you earn a trophy for your first pawn promotion. Basically, I earned the 20 trophies, and that's about it. Parcheesi was the hardest. I had to win the game while not allowing any of the AI teams to get even one piece to the finish line.
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