I can't wait for this... Of course you're expecting something. You can deny it all you want, but you want it to be a Final Fantasy title. Stop wanting that. Want nothing but a good time from the game. Imagine yourself new to the franchise, nothing else besides this game.
I bet I could do it for a day, no sweat. But if it says Final Fantasy on the cover, I don't think I could lie to myself like that. I guess I'll give it a try. I mean, I wasn't expecting much in the first place. I get that it's new and everything is new. It isn't that which bothers me. I have no idea what's wrong but when I go to insert the game into the PS3. I suddenly eject it and go on my DS. I'll at least try to get to Chapter Seven... But no promises.
Sephiroth is lame. It was hard to come up with love comments all the time. Pretend its not a Final Fantasy game, then. Trust me when I say this game will never delve into too many Final Fantasy elements, and I think I know why. The title of this series of games is called Fabula Nova Crystallis, which translated to "New Tale of the Crystals." Keyword: New. Everything is new, isn't it? Not much relates to FF at all, really. At about Chapter Seven, I accepted that the game is definitely not that resemblant to previous, but there's another thing. FF is a game series that changes all the time. As soon as I stopped expecting things, it became a lot more fun.
Oh? Because I'm a big fan of Final Fantasy. It's not my fault I can't get into it... for goodness sake.
Not really. Why did you buy it, then, again?
It was? ...I'm... going... to... lie...
Interesting, it was. DID YOU CONTINUE FFXIII!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? !?!?!!
You're a trooper, Ralz! I know! I hated not using punctuation and hating Fate!
Finally over with. >.< Too much... love...
Okay, since its April 2 over there, I'll stop for you. (But only for this conversation. I still gots to keep this up for six more hours. ) Effective, no?
But, he disgusts me... (I know I won't! And lolwut?!)
Perhaps you could put off your loathing for a mere day, and see what its like! (OOC: You won't see this for another 355 days, you know. I proclaim this "In love with Sephiroth NOT day" ^^)
Oh, far be it for me to stop your conquest. You're better off without me.
A shame. You could've had so much more... ...but you threw that chance away. A true shame.
i will not love him i loathe him