Conversation Between Alther Primus and Elyon Seraphim

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  1. Your turn in the Chronicle, and you might want to check out all of your discussions at your castle!
  2. It is now done, The new ''Dark Scrolls or Ranks'' have being officially opened!
  3. Oki! I just tested them on my user.

  4. P1 with current ranks
    [img ][/img ]
    P1 W/ Me at rank 11
    [img ][/img ]
    [img ][/img ]

    Simply pick the one you want, and remove the spaces!
  5. There's an small problem...

    And lol... The scroll are way to small to read whenever i put them in the album.

    Could you give me the scroll codes?
  6. Do you want them likethat? Or do you want the text to NOT be faded?
  7. Great.
  8. I'll boost your rank into 9 now.
  9. Yeah sure.
  10. Ummm, would you mind boosting me to rank 11, or rank 20? This is just for the names, (If R.11, R.10 will be "Althers right hand", if R.20, R.19 will be "Alther's right hand" if none, there will be no "Althers Right hand")
    Get back to me soon please!

    BTW: Don't worry, I;m not asking for a promotion (Well, maybe a little bit) but I don't want to have that paradox of working up o becoming my own right hand.
  11. Well, I just updated the Necromancion, just so you know.
  12. Argh, Nothing special really.
  13. 'Sup?
  14. Recruiting for the new, epic, and possibly ( ) FINAL chronical of Chaosthroph now!
  15. Glad you liked it!

    Do you know how long time it took to make it??!?!?

    ONLY 10 MINUTES!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 571 to 585 of 1276
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