Conversation Between Alther Primus and Ralz

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  1. OK, ummmmm, well, Amnios will become a party Member after this next Chronicl, so...
  2. Its fine, works for the story you're trying to develop. I COULD work with it, but Alther's... kinda important in the story, very important actually. He saves Elyon from getting killed, stops him from absorbing a crystal that would sap ALL of his powers, you have a serious discussion about current events in the Chronicle, and he steals your gunblade to face Zero.

    Without you, things fall to pieces...
  3. hehe, same here. At any rate, what do you think of my ending?
  4. Everything's fine. I'm glad classes were easy today...
  5. How are you?
  6. Okaaaaaaay...
  7. Haven't been on for a few days, sorry.
  8. The nightmare of this whole chronicle has ended. o_O

    Cutscene time!
  9. Cya!
  10. talk to ya tommorrow!
  11. Hope we can work the story out...
  12. Glad to hear it!
  13. All is well here.
  14. How are you today Raleztor?
  15. Sorry, but its important this time.

    Actually, everything's set for Chronicle 4. (It will be a lengthy one, for once! )
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