I can't imagine... Wait... O_o Then they should be great sprites! He's a great designer, his avatars and sigs are always gorgeous!
(I even liked to sing with them. No, really.) He's helping out with the sprites. xD For both Alther's and Elyon's game.
xD Crazy. He seemed to join all the groups as soon as I left. Now that I'm returning, he might leave... but oh well! His loss, really.
(Hell knows this gal has been friends with 61 year olds and toddlers. xD) Maybe. If you noticed, Fate is now in the group as well.
You're right! But I can't get back into Chaosthroph without an invite. Maybe I can convince Alther...
That's the spirit! xD Age doesn't matter, either~
I realized I shouldn't give up because some people want me to. I'm my own person. I'll decide what I want to do for myself! I'm back, and I'm never going to leave again! *hugs back*
You're back~ xD *hug*
Mostly 'cause Vivi's going around on a rampage saying everyone should feel like that, but, eh.
It's alright~ And why would I feel betrayed?
Thanks. And I'm sorry to you if you felt betrayed.
No you're not~~ There's always me! >A< Well, if you are really going to go, then okay. There will be open arms on my page (not literally magic arms out of the screen)!
I guess I DID bring all this on myself, but I really did mean no harm by what I did. But, it doesn't seem to matter. I've basically lost all of my previous allies, and now I'm alone. So... I'd better get going before I get attacked again. I might return one day... Until then, farewell.
Well, alright. If that's what you want to do. >A< Because it feels too weird just looking at this....
He is so desperate to be rid of me, I'm just doing him a friendly favour.