Conversation Between Michael Swayne and Yoko

538 Visitor Messages

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  1. *Blushes* Really? Thank you for the comment Did you read the whole thing? I love Kyra. Hence why it's my new internet name.

    But I already am in an RP here. I've only made one post, but I have plenty of ideas for my character. I've just been busy with life and that's been put on hold for now. I'm hoping to get a post up soon, but my life is about ready to pick up again, We'll see what happens.

    I also heard you were looking for a mentor. Unfortunately I'm not exactly the type to mentor, but I can tell you how I started writing. I never read very much as a child. I was always thought of as slow because of it. I started to read fanfics/anime on the internet. I loved them. I observed their writing skills and adapted them as my own. It kind of worked I guess. I probably should do more reading, but I can never find the time. I just write what I feel. It seems to turn out pretty well. One of the people I'm writing with was another person that inspired me to write. It was probably the best decision I ever made. I would probably never take it up professionally, but we'll see.
  2. I am okay, I guess. A little tired, but that could mean I am not getting something in my diet. I clicked on that RP thing in your signature yesterday, and you write very well. I have never done an RP before, I've always just written by myself. I like to read RPs though. Your descriptions are vivid and the characters really stick in your mind.

    Have you thought of doing an RP here on TFF? I think everyone here would want you to.
  3. Thanks man

    How have you been lately?
  4. I really like the FullMetal Alchemist background. It really pops with the black. Props to you for creativity.
  5. GOOD!! I'm glad you're back
  6. I am back and better than ever. I ended up having to get the whole computer tower replaced. Luckily, one of my friend's mom found me one that works even better. I hope to be on much more now. Hopefully, no more viruses. It was the first thing I took care of when I hooked it up.
  7. Hey, you seem to have fallen off of the internet world. Please come back soon.
  8. Thank you!
  9. I am asking a Mod right now, and she should be able to tell me. Frankly, I have never done it myself, but I know that you can post links to your video using the "Insert Link" Button. There should also be an "Insert Image" Button, but I don't know if it applies to video images. I will update you as I hear more.
  10. It's either I really am a noob, or it's been a while since I've used the older version of vBulleten. I have a yt video I'd like to post and the video tag isn't working. Any suggestions?
  11. Your are very welcome. I know that when I first came here it was a little difficult, but since you have some experience with forums, it shouldn't be a problem for you. Hope to see you around.
  12. Thanks for the invite and the friend request.
  13. Hello R.Kyra! My name is Michael, and I have made a Social Group focused on us new members. The Group is called Flock of Noobies, and right now I am on a recruiting frenzy, trying to get members like you interested in our group. I am going to send you an invite, but if you want to know more, just click on "Community" and scroll down "Social Groups". You should be able to find it there. Thanks for reading this.
Showing Visitor Messages 526 to 538 of 538
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