Yep! (Currently simply waiting on Meigumi to draw a Logo! Nasty... Yeah, I like that! Oh, and maybe alternate outfits!
Here goes everything... >_> That enemy, and one that if you hit them in the wrong spot, they teleport! xD Teleporting enemies are REALLY asshats! Perhaps they become more vital for the harder difficulties? Like, at the Beginner NG+, you don't get much, because you don't need it! But in Hard Mode, you get more useful stuff, like the RP Boost...
Okie-dokie! I just thought of a nasty idea, maybe one that can teleport and attack you at the same time"? OUCH! Yep, all difficulties get awesome NG+ items!
......Let's take that risk. Make the group... >_> I see. Asshat enemies... <_< Oh, so if the player tries to start a new game in Insane difficulty, that's it? Nothing special for them! xD But, if they do it in a New Game +, if offers them some extra abilities/items. Actually, we should do what for all the difficulties, then.
... Should I go make it? Pretty much. Yep! Yes, but make them available EXCLUSIVELY in New Game + (I can think of a few NG+ exclusive items.)
So, the field map is constant? Well, excpet towns, like you said. We can make certain enemies as fast, or faster than you, so they're kinda annoying, and you almost have to fight... >_> But we can unlock several useful abilities at the start to help them out. Like a Rune Period Boost ability to start, or a good piece of equipment...
Heheh? There is no "field" and there is no "Battle screen" they are one and the same, cities are the only exception. They are always there, you can run away from them, or you can fight them. Yep.
xD Indeed. But then the Rune Periods become more complicated... Unless they charge on the field as well... o_O Wait, I'm sparking a new idea! When you start on a map, your Rune Period is at 100%. You can use certain runes outside of battles, which also deplete the RP. At 0%, it charges, so you've either gotta wait around, or get into a battle. On the field screen, you can visibly see the character's HP and RP. The Overlimit whatever only comes out for battles. We can have battles where the enemies appear, and we fight them on the field screen. Like Kingdom Hearts or Crisis Core. Granted, players still have the option to run away. Ooh, a no-level run sounds pretty difficult! But there are ALWAYS people who'll try it! xD
And it would have had more than just CoC too, oh well! No, not really... I like the idea of simply fighting enemies without a seperate screen. I'll start thinking of difficulties.
I think maybe a separate group would've been a good idea... o_O Hmm... Overlimit Gauge is really all I got. We can't ditch Overlimits, they're Elyon's idea. The SO thing is pretty unique. The player can decide to fight or flight, and level up at their own pace. Rather than have enemies shoved up their deriere constantly. Of course, there are always battles that can't be avoided... >_> I'm always thinking of tending to the Low-Level gamers' needs. We could make a game mode where you don't gain Experience from battles... o_O Like, when you start the game, you can choose your difficulty. Like Easy, Normal, Hard, Insane (No Exp), etc...
I'll post that into a Combat System thread -_- (LOL) I like the idea of Overlimits, but I think maybe a different name. I was thinking SO style (Where you run into an enemy to start a fight) but then again, maybe have it like as you run away you can attack... NO encounters, enemies will IMEDDIATELY attack you!
Not a whole lot that's new, really. I thought more on the Rune Period system. So, when a battle starts, its at 100%. Using spells will decrease its percentage. When it hits 0%, you can't use any more runes. It then begins to charge. (I think the charge should start at about 30 seconds, and as you acquire more stuff and abilities, it can reduce, and in Vivis case, halve.) During this charge time, your Overlimit Gauge charges quicker, at about a rate of 1.5x. And as for Overlimits, I think that should be a bar, too. Overlimit Period. All of our Overlimits have their percentage usage as well. (Its sorta like the Trance thing in FFIX.) When you reach 100%, you gain access to the new abilities, and it decreases by whatever the ability costs. When it reaches 0%, you can't use them anymore, and must charge the bar again. Inflicting damage, getting hit, and using offensive runes fill the gauge. Certain items and abilities influence its rate. And as for battles, if its Action, I think we should have no random battles, but we do that Star Ocean/Kingdom Hearts/Final Fantasy XIII thing where the enemies roam on the map, and by touching them, it goes to a separate screen. Or maybe it could all be done on the field? Pacing is what will make this game work. Just some more ideas I thought up. I'm on a roll right now... so I'll keep thinking about it.
Heya Ralzter! Any new ideas?
Everythings all a money issue. I simply don't have the funds for even a microphone right now... Wow, I'm pretty useless so far... o_O
OK. OK. OK. Do you have a microphone? Also, I want to have each member say their lines, I'll take care of any others unless yu guys have friends that want to help.