I try to refrain myself from using internet jokes, because I'm afraid it'll make me look silly AND insane. xD
I still use the "screw the rules, I have money" in real life. People are all, wut? xD
*this post agrees as well as the poster*
If only the Abridged series was the actual series... xD LittleKuriboh is the best!
Yeah, they're playing with motorcycles~ xD It's pretty detailed and dynamic, too. But there are more people with exotic hairstyles, but ehhhh. It reminds me of the abridged series. xD
5D's? Wow, another season? I should look at it again, I hear they're playing with motorcycles!? O_o (How does that work?) For what I watched in the first season... none of them seem canon. When it got towards the end with the Spirit Beasts or whatever, then the story started, but I don't get it. All I remembered was that there were three evil cards that would do... something, so they had to be stopped. I guess card games settle everything.
I'm watching 5'Ds. And yeah, it feels like I missed one important episode when I was watching GX's last episode, like.... "Did I miss something?"
They have subs, but I've seen so much, its hard to tell which one is more accurate. (Not that anyone cared about the storyline, but... I'm still kicking myself over GX. I can't believe 4Kids screwed it up SO bad...) *glomples!*
>A< I wished I knew Japanese at the start, so I can watch the original episodes. *GLOMP*
Years ago, I watched the entire first show of Yugioh. (I was still into it at the time. I watched all five seasons. It is a masterpiece of a show compared to GX, though... >_> I never finished the first season of that crap storm.) Its good to be back, too!
=A= Yep, now I just watch English-dubbed anime online. It's so great to have ye back!
The Pokemon theme? Good god, I remember that song. I used to hum it for years until I stopped watching the show. But, it was SO catchy! (Saturday cartoons were the best, and now TV is lame. :/) I can only be me!
Ironically, YouTube - Pokemon in English (Opening 1) and the TMNT song. The one on Saturday Cartoons way before. >w< You're still the same as ever~
Home on the Range? I've Been Working on the Railroad? To Grandmother's House We Go? (o_O) They're bright and vibrant, too. I actually stole some sig and avatar ideas from both of them.
Care to guess what kind of songs they are? Yeah, and he has great taste in colors~