Conversation Between Ralz and Meigumi

813 Visitor Messages

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  1. I love Superman ice cream, lotsa flavours there!
  2. I like popsicles better, though. Fruit-flavored ftw.
  3. Yum! ^^
  4. ICE CREAAAAMMM. Nomnomnomnomnom.
  5. Agweed,
  6. Bekause akkents are krazy, korrect?
  7. *starts to burn with passion* Maybe a little accent wouldn't hurt, either. >:3
  8. Hahaha xD
  9. Look out, tomorrow. You're well done now. +w+
  10. That'd be the best! xD
  11. Ohohohoho. I should wear a hankerchief in my neck during lunch and swoon on top of people.
  12. You're very unique!

    I enjoy uniqueness!
  13. I'm already strange enough. xD But ehhh, maybe I'll try acting more stranger.
  14. They can be rather silly.
Showing Visitor Messages 511 to 525 of 813
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