Conversation Between Michael Swayne and Yoko

538 Visitor Messages

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  1. YES!!! I need massive help. I'll send a PM
  2. Yes, I know Spanish. Why? Need anything translated?
  3. You know Spanish, Si?
  4. Aah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. If it makes you feel better, my Mom was always known as "The cool Mom". That probably made it worse. I apologize...again.
  5. Girls don't really like it when you tell them they sound like your mother...
  6. What do you mean?
  7. ......You like to speak your mind, don't you?
  8. I forgot to tell you in my PM.

    When I read your first message, I swear I heard my Mom's voice saying the exact same thing. Not that you remind me of my Mom. It's just that my Mom has said that a lot to me over the last 24.75 years.
  9. Yes, I speak Chinese. I have always loved languages. I learned Spanish at 5 (required to pass 1st Grade in Arizona). Started formal Chinese lessons at 15. I also speak enough French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Japanese to get to wherever I need to go, say my name and nationality, and beg muggers not to kill me (which comes up in conversation more than most people think). But I taught myself those, with the help of Satellite Television, the Internet, and lots of time in the school library.
  10. Yeah, that's what the crazy girl means

    Don't worry about it. Parents are only necessary for birthing you and raising you. Other then that, they don't have much use otherwise. You'll survive.
    You know Chinese?
  11. Ok, I get it now. You were saying that in a message, I can address you as RK instead of R.Kyra. Alright. I swear, if only my parents had made me learn text speak instead of most European languages. I asked for money to buy a cell phone, they spent money on a Chinese tutor. Parents, what can you do with them?
  12. LOL, don't worry about. You don't sound like an idiot. I get that a lot. RK is the short form for R.Kyra. My name wasn't always R.Kyra though. My username was previously RinoaKari on another forum. I changed it not too long ago, but wanted to keep the RK in there somehow. Since my RP character is Kyra, I decided to change it to that. The name Kyra has name different meanings. One of the meanings is Light or Sun Light. I like to think of it as a bright future. And the R still stands for Rinoa. I loved her character. Since FFVIII was my first, I think it still deserves to be in my name. I like to keep things original sometimes. Keeps it fresh.
  13. I know I sound like an idiot right now, but in your PM, you said RK. What does RK mean? I'm sorry, but I never learned text speak.
  14. Haha! Sorry. It's Divided.

    Getting your own style is key. I started writing/RPing about 2 years ago. I've gone through a few changes and tested different writing styles. I think I've found exactly what I like. If you saw my latest FF Exigo post, that's what I'm leaning towards. The group of writers in Exigo are absolutely amazing. All very wonderful people. I've spent 2 years writing with them and we never get sick of each other. I love them all.

    I suppose everyone gets a bit attached when you write an RP. You would kind of need to when you'll probably be writing with them for a long long time. I don't anticipate Exigo ending anytime soon. We're only on cloister 40 and there are many many twists and surprises ahead. How far have you read?
  15. I didn't know you were in an RP. You must have started it while I was away. I will look for it shortly. As far as getting a mentor, I am not worried about it. I have been reading more and more, so I am getting the general idea of RPs. I would have to adapt my style of writing, but that won't be too hard. I normally write a story from beginning to end, I have never done anything on the lines of a collaboration.

    Maybe one day we will write one. I would have to get a little experience under my belt first. But one day...

    EDIT: In order for me to not have to look through every RP thread in the forum, would you tell me which one it is? Thanks!
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