I unoffially invited Ethan into our group.
Errrrm, has Elyon managed to turn CoC into a moderated group?
What, who, when, where, why, how!? I mean, uh... who is it?
Wait, we may have a new warrior on our hands!
The plotlines we have going are turning out good. Let's just reboot and keep the idea of Demi and Dimitri. (MAYBE drop Dimitri's possession, though... to confuse less.)
Maybe we should simply reboot the CoC now, before our creativity runs dry!
Added subtitle "The Fate War" to the game!
Well, I posted a new thread!
Added a timeline/morality system!
I might be voicing that Shin character. So, Elyon'a game is a bit of a prequel? Interesting!
Yep! That I will!
Heya! So, I hear you'll be the voice of Fate? Sounds exciting!
'Sup Ralz?
OK then! Later!
I don't think so... We should wait for everyone else to get here. Besides, it got Fate's attention! BTW, I gotta go. Talk to you later.