RUN does? Well, you can always just omit it from the script alogether. "Examine this? Random enemy appeared! Entering battle!" For such a high VIT, does that boss have low HP to compensate? Yeah, I know of Disgaea. Surprised those games can keep track of such high numbers.
RUN covers both RUN P and RUN D, I might get that damn Magic Defense script, But it's so damn advanced. And yeah, There are ways to increase chance of stealing and drops, But that'll be explained in the full version, Lol yeah, I've seen that video, Maybe it was that video that reminded me about making an unsual enemy pop up in random spots, But honestly... I couldn't find any better random place for Gilgamesh to pop up from, The oven idea made me giggle. Of course, Don't mind the extreme stats, The final version will have final optional enemies with extreme stats such as maybe 7866 VIT or so, The game isn't to wierd with stats, If you wan't some stats BEYOND EXTREME, Check out Disgaea, They have stats that can go over millions and millions.
I get it. It's like with Excalipoor, Gilgamesh used the wrong ability. That's so like him. xD Have them rare drops, but include a way to increase drop rates. I'm think like 1-5% drop rates among lots of enemies. Perhaps you could give different types of enemies different boosts. Like flying enemies drop Accuracy boosts and enemies with high defense drop Defense boosts. I think Evasion should be affected by equipment, and Accuracy should stop at 99%. BTW, 9999 STR, RUN, VIT, SPD? o_O And the critical rate should also be affected by equipment. Also, we really have dropped the magic defense stat? Or does Vitality cover both? Just wondering. I just remembered. Examining an oven to fight Gilgamesh reminds me of the YouTube video: Ultimate Utopia XXIII Randomly examining a toilet brings out Scarmiglione. xD
Gilgamesh has two types of defensive moves, Defense Hack is just what it is, Gilgamesh hacks his defense and reflects anything that turn, Defense Failure means he... screwed up, He loses defense and becomes more vulnerable to damage. And yeah... Stat boosting items should probably be either buyable, Or i can make sure that some enemy drops them. There are max stats of course, This is what you can recieve at maximum. 99999 HP 9999 RP 9999 STR 9999 VIT 9999 RUN 9999 SPD 100% ACC ???% EVA 100% CRI Well, That's that, And yeah, Alther new moves hits every enemy.
I'm a bit of a kleptomaniac in games like this. Once I knew where everything was, before facing Gilgamesh, I used the Time Device to get all the bonus equipment, and traded with Nova, and sold a lot of useless items and weapons in place of Super and Grand Elixirs. I know what to do, Elyon, its just I had a bad run. I didn't know Gift of the Goddess could be reflected. o_O (I took full advantage of those hamburgers, too, and you better believe I'm gonna be a stickler for maxing stats when it comes to the hardest bosses.) The music you just told me, I just never knew its name. It is pretty cool. I figured, but instead of being level 100, everyone's level 99, as if you didn't beat Dimitri, but the game pretends you did. It was nice being able to go straight to the oven to fight Gilgamesh, but first I had to teleport to get the new Overlimits, then get the secret weapons and equipment, then use the Hamburgers, then save in front of the oven. This is more procedural than you'd think. You can do it eventually, right? We kinda need that for the final product. Spark Waltz was awesome. Alther's new move was pretty good, but I felt it was like using Disembowel on all enemies at once. Meigumi's Dimention was pretty good, I couldn't even count the number of hits. I know, I know, I only did it when she wasn't busy healing or applying Miracle. I figured as much. I hope these boosting materials aren't THAT difficult to find, but at least require a good amount of determination to max the stats. Can you max every stat? And so, if I kept it up long enough, I could have 99999 HP and 9999 RP for everyone? Whoa. But for hard bosses, what do you think the highest amount of HP will be? 2 million? 5 million? It's just, you've created real monsters of bosses. Gilgamesh seems to choose randomly from having two to three turns per round. What does Defense Failure do? I didn't want to walk into a trap.
Well, You just had bad luck when fighting Gilgamesh, It's possible that he can go and use it twice, But the chances are like 1-134, You just had bad luck. And yeah Music, Which music are we talking about? You could just mean anything, But... Did you mean the piece, "A New God"? And i said save state yeah, But it's not an emulator, It's an SAVE FILE, The save file takes place after the game is completed, That is... After you defeat Shira Dimitri, But you start with nothing, Like an New Game, I just wanted to let you have a easier time facing everything else. Overworld walking... Maybe, It sounds like an awful lot of work, I don't have anything to base on except the town of Gharlowe and Angealleon, So it's kinda hard to do that. Any liking of the new moves as well? It didn't take to long to make them, But i gotta say... "Spark Waltz" is one of my masterpieces. Yeah... You speak of these character stats... Well... Thats their RAW stats they recieve with leveling up, There are items around the game, In certain places that are made to boost a specific stat, Such as STR, RUN, or HP or... Many others... Players in the full release will obviously hunt these kind of items to boost themselfs for tough battles like these, So thats why i gave you some "Hamburgers" that boosts HP in the beginning of the game. Oh yeah, I don't know if you've done these or never thought of it, At the first "Heaven" stage, There are several hexagrams there, Entering those teaches all character some other unique moves, I'll list them as well, This is not a new release, It has being here for a long time. ELYON God Killer - The strongest offensive overlimit of Elyon, Elyon makes several clashes that deals large damage each, Then he makes an devastating final hit that deals massive damage, However... This move costs an hefty 500 RP, and full overlimit gauge to perform. Globus - Elyon's strongest AOL overlimit, Elyon deals medium damage against one single foe, Then makes an explosive clash that deals large damage to all enemies afterward, Costs an hefty amout of 300 RP and full overlimit gauge to perform. United Energy - Elyon's only non-offensive overlimit, Elyon applies a night-like cloak on the field that boosts all allies Statistics temporary, Costs an large amout of 125 RP and a full overlimit gauge to perform. RALZ Lightspeed Ruination - Ralz's strongest offensive overlimit, Similar to Blitzkreig Assault, But this has more slashes and is harder to dodge. Flare Rise - Ralz's strongest AOL overlimit, Ralz makes a few hits on a single enemy, making large damage, Then he clashes the air asunder and causes nuclear explosions that deals medium damage against all enemies. MEIGUMI Holy Heart - Meigumi's secondary assist overlimit, Similar to Gift of the Goddess, But this recovers all RP instead of HP, And applies Miracle and Recover and as well Rune Recover states instead of Reflect and Counter. Explosive Ball of PWN - Meigumi's only attack overlimit, An huge sphere of blue flames are thrown at an enemy for colossal damage, 100% critical chance as well. ALTHER Acerbates - Alther's most risky move, He sacrifices almost all HP as fuel for this attack, This deals immense damage against an enemy, But puts him at the edge of life. Angel Slayer - Alther's non-overlimit move, This is added inside Physical Skills, This move is highly lethal against Angel-Types, It also heals Alther a certain sum of damage as he inflicts some. Whiteout - Alther strongest/weakest overlimit, This move uses all his RP as fuel, This move deals extremer damage whenever Alther's HP is lower for each point, This is also Alther's only Holy-Based elemental attack. "That was it i geuss, These skills could help you better, If you never checked the first heaven... Well, Thats an big LOL."
Yep, can't defeat Gilgamesh. He did Ultimate Illusion twice. Think about fixing that.
Something must be possessing me to continue coming back to these demos again and again. Perhaps the next demo can focus more on adventuring/overworld exploration as well as NPC interaction. Fighting's fun and all, but after a while... When you say save states, you mean a save file you've already placed in the demo? Or like with emulators? That music was kickass. You must use it in the fight before Shira. Well, we can still work with this battle system. Is it random? Because almost everytime, Ralz and Meigumi have gone before everyone, as they should with their speed stats. I used Poisoned Arrow once and it didn't work. I assumed he was immune to it, like all of Alther's debuffs. Be back soon with updates.
It's done to be downloaded.
Well, Another demo will soon come, There's an save state including inside this demo, You have the same stats as when you start the game, Except that the game thinks you have cleared the game now, So you can start fighting the other enemies whenever you feel like. There's new skills as well for everyone. ELYON Cold Crasher - Added in Physical Skills Catastrophic Punch - Added in Physical Skills RALZ Spark Waltz - Added in Physical Skills Shira Immortality - Added in Physical Skills Overtaker - Added in Assist Skills MEIGUMI Sanctio - Added in Physical Skills ALTHER Devil's Reception - Added in Physical Skills "The demo will soon come, So be ready"!
Yep, I forgot these things just when the demo was uploaded, That sucked, But i'll fix it, I'll even include my Save State in this demo, The Save State takes place after the battle against Shira Dimitri, I'll fix his AI again, Maybe include a few more moves, But know one thing... You ain't seen anything just yet! Be there! It's almost ready. Oh and the music... Destined Battle, It's from Xenosaga Episode III, Ironicly enough, It's used against the battle of Dmitri Yuriev, Lolz, It somewhat fits excellent. The FFX system exists, But it's only available for the RMXP version, Im using the RMVX, Unless if someone finally makes one. And yeah, "Reaping Blade" is supposed to penetrate Reflect, Wanna know something more ironicly? If you had used Poisoned Arrow with Meigumi, It would have worked, Although, I would see that as a thing i've missed, And it would be sorta like cheating. It's soon fixed.
Okay, he's finally dead. His Cruel Force only heals him for 20000 now, which is far more manageable. Doesn't save the fight from taking forever, but its more possible now. Is his Reaper Sword supposed to penetrate Reflect? It did, alot. Also, I encountered the Miracle glitch again, but one turn after I revived my characters with their Miracles still intact, they went away. Strange. Maybe Miracle causes some problems in the scripting. One good thing is Alther's new move rocked. But Dimitri's AI is a little wierd, he used Hasten with both of his turns. Also, what's that Destined Battle music called? It was sweet. Too bad about ATB, but the battle system we have now does well enough. Or perhaps you could consider the CTB system from Final Fantasy X? Its like a frozen ATB system, where you can see whose turn is next. Maybe that would be even worse, or maybe its not possible? Although, I work well with any battle system. But, something wierd happened after I got back to the hub. Elyon is slow as a slug, and nothing seems to change it. Perhaps you could check that out? Also, I don't think I can take on any more bosses. I sort've blew all my resources on that Shira. <_>
Okay, this is it. Last time I'm fighting in this demo. If I win, great, if not, tell me about the ATB. I'll get back to you soon,.
Yeah, I noticed it not long ago, I'll fix these later.