Conversation Between Fate and Dodie16

523 Visitor Messages

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  1. That's a little unfair, then. Do they offer a lot of things? Like vB?
  2. Yes. You paid for your class (ranking), your equipment, materia, and your overall look. Not to mention the amount of time you had to give to be an integral part of the storyline.

    It costs nothing to be a civilian, but civilians had absolutely no function.
  3. Ooh, you had pay to be on it?
  4. Yes, I am much more comfortable with this community of gamers than I was at the other site. The other site was actually a pay site, and I was there for a trial period.

    I probably should have mentioned that.
  5. Well, hopefully you stay here, then?
  6. Honestly, I can't tell you, because I'm not sure why. I was unable to dedicate enough time to actually be a big part of the community, so I had to quit.
  7. That's pretty interesting. But why did they name the lowest ranking units as Onion Knights?
  8. Haha, yes there is a story to it.

    I used to FF role play on a different site. When I first started I introduced myself as a "noob". My mentor on the site said that they don't call new people "noobs". Instead they are referred to as "Onion Knights".

    When I joined this site, instead of referring to myself as a noob, I chose Onion Knight. I still hold that title dear to my heart.
  9. I have to ask you: why the Onion Knight title? Do you like the Onion Knight, too?
  10. Haha, yes. I was so surprised when I woke up this morning and had 4 user notes. I guess now I have five.

  11. My, my, my. The people must have grown quite a liking to you. Five user notes for you in two days. ^^ I knew you'd become loved.
  12. I have no idea. It happened five days ago. I eat eat food bits without problem, but food chunks just hurt.

    Aww, you're lucky! I've got years ahead of me. Still, the amount of knowledge I gained from forums these three months should make me the best kid in English class!

    Too bad they don't make so much PS2 games anymore. I can't believe how fast consoles' generations pass.
  13. What on EARTH happened to you do get a rash like that? Do you have a food allergy? Sounds awful!

    Good luck when school starts! Thank God I graduated 100 years ago (lol) so I don't have to worry about that anymore.

    Oh, and I still have my PS2, so I plan to keep playing my PS2 games on that system.
  14. Ooh, a shiny new PS3? That does sound great. But I heard PS2 games aren't quite as decent on them. Still, you can't play PS3 games without a PS3, right?

    I have to make the most of my remaining days of summer vacation now. But i have nothing to do at all. And I can't eat, because there's like a rash on my tongue and lips.
  15. Pretty good. Just hanging out on the forums, and chilling in general. I just got me a shiny new PS3, so that's something exciting that's happened to me.

    How about you?
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