>w< It's nice to have a box, though. Even if you don't have any use for it.
They need to stop breaking... >_> I don't really have anything devoted to holding all my games, I just put them all in a bag.
You should be keeping them safely. Like, keeping them in a small chest or a bookshelf.
That sucks. (I've gone through, get this, two DSs and three PSPs. o_O) 1 PSP was stolen, one broke, and now I have this one, which has lasted a good long while! 1 DS broke, and now I have this one, which has also lasted a good long while! But, money is an issue for me...
xD My DS is currently broken. I don't know how, though.
If I ever get some money together, I want to get SoulSilver, cause I can, and because my DS is lacking in games.
I freaking adore my Suicune. <3 <3 <3
I USED to own most of the GBA games, but a lot of them were lost/stolen... >_> All I have left is... Leaf...Green... (Like you... o_O) Talk about random!
The only Pokemon game I have is LeafGreen. xD I'm bored and I'm leveling all of my Pokemon up to LV. 100. xD *plays with drill*
...You're in a dream, and I have a drill arm. Oh, and plus I like Pikachu.
*listens* What is it?
*stands there* Oh, I need to tell you something....
*wakes up* Whoa, what? What a strange dream!
Yay! Well, wake up. This is a dreaaaaam. *dances and attempts psychokinesis*