Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

4705 Visitor Messages

  1. Fate, can you answer this? What's with the small green tabs below the avatar? I've got Level 1 and you have Level 2. How can I increase it?
  2. I gotta go to school now! See you in seven hours, Ralzy!
  3. So, yeah Fate. Sorry about not being able to add that Smiley but you've got it now, so that's okay.
  4. I'm looking forward to buying a new XBOX360 and geting Star Ocean: The Last Hope.
  5. Well, if you ever need my advice
  6. I've beaten the game twice.

    I use...

    Claude, Opera, Leon, Welch/Chisato

    No Rena! DITCH THE BITCH!!
  7. Second Evolution is my second favorite!

    Where ya at?
  8. I HAVE completed First Departure and am halfway through Second Evolution. So far, I greatly enjoy both and am looking forward to Til the End of Time!
  9. Have you payed the other three Star Ocean?

    Or the random ones like Blue Sphere?
  10. PSP still!

    Use my fav char, and kick ass!!
  11. Don't care about what? I know you love me!

    SO3 is my favorite game! It's more 3-D than the first two. And you can only have three characters in combat.

    Just don't forget to rename Fayt as Fate or Fatey!
  12. So, Fate. What's Star Ocean 3 like? I'm getting it from Gamefly soon and I wanna know your opinion... Sorry if I sound like... like I don't even care anymore...
  13. Here.

    Just do a copy image location!
  14. Heh heh!

    Ralz, I found the perfect smiley for me! You should it next to my name in your sig! Here ya go!

  15. Actually, I found that post rather hilarious!
Showing Visitor Messages 4666 to 4680 of 4705