Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

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  1. (...)

    Dumbass moment #99837427 >_>

    If I knew that, I would've sided with you from the beginning...
  2. (...)

    Of course. You know I don't scream at people for no reason.

    Yeah, I should have just shown you at the start... I'm regretting doing it so late.
  3. (...)

    How could he do all that? I was defending a douchehat?

    You were right, Vivi. I didn't see it until it was almost too late.
  4. (...)

    This is what I've been arguing from the start. If you would have just listened instead of trying to help him out and get involved... I mean, I got really angry at him. That's why I went "berserk". I know you didn't know, I know that. You have to trust the friends that have been here for so long. I knew what I was saying, you know?

    He's a lifeless bastard. Probably one that gets off on annoying others and writes weird stuff like that.
  5. (...)

    Maybe I see... why you're mad... I think I'm starting to feel bad vibes, myself. I never knew...

    No, I didn't mean that. Reading that PM, maybe he's the one who doesn't care.
  6. (...)

    You mean why I'm mad? You don't want a friend like that... do you?

    Was that a remark? Are you saying that I don't care?
  7. (...)

    Maybe I am starting to see.

    Forget it.
  8. (...)

    Exactly. Well, see what your view is after the PM I sent you.

    What's that mean?
  9. (...)

    I want to protect everything. But sometimes... it slips.

    He would've showed that he cared.
  10. (...)

    It's a choice you have to make? Is he a person you want to protect?

    But do you make an album call "My friends" or whatever?
  11. (...)

    ...You're backing me into a corner, here.

    I suck on MS Paint, too...
  12. (...)

    So, how can you call someone that finds dead people and lying, a friend?

    Not like that guy. You don't pretend to be other people and make crappy picture edits on MS Paint.
  13. (...)

    I don't know.

    I know, because I am also peculiar, rather strange, and not right in the head.
  14. (...)

    See what I mean? You can't justify that.

    Why? Who thought that about you?
  15. (...)


    Gee... that sounds so familiar. What was his name... Ralz?
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