Conversation Between Alther Primus and Ralz

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  1. Watch'ya got in mind? I'm up for some discussion. I posted some ideas in the Chapter One thread.
  2. Hi Ralz!

    TFF need a rant forum!
  3. Cool! BTW, I just posted a list of concept skills for Alther!
  4. Hmm... I suppose there's no harm. But if we do that, we'll need experience points for the abilities. (The over-used, but reliable AP comes to mind... They should have their own individual level, basically. We can also think of each level cost...)

    Interesting, the more I think of it. Obviously, they get more powerful, and perhaps they gain effects? Or... this is interesting, indeed.
  5. Can moves Level up with the player?
    (IE, they increase LVL as the player does.)
  6. I'm going to put up the thread where everyone lists their abilities. ALL of them: magic and abilities. Elyon will determine which bosses teach signature abilities. (Its like KH2, which taught you certain abilities you couldn't learn by leveling.)
  7. Hellor Ralez!
  8. Fine.

    When you have any ideas, be sure to tell me!
  9. Not shabby! You?
  10. Been too long. How is you?
  11. Hello Raleztor!
  12. *rehash of what Ethan said*

  13. I see.

  14. I was thinking a "KO'd"/"Lost a battle" look.

    (And what do you think of the embarrassed one?)
  15. It's fine. Although, so far, I can only think of one instance where we can use the bloody one...
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