...Well. xD
xD Steve..... and Clara.....
Name cards! I'll put them on cards which will have their names on them. So, if anyone's confused, they can look at the cards! ^^
What cards? o_o
Okay, I'll get my cards out! xD
You should. xD
I should name my PSP Steve and my DS Clara. ^^
Then I'll have to name my other box that holds a pack of needles and strings. And your parents hired a babysitter after you 24/7 because you could never get anything done right. xD
Fel... xP Yeah...
Fel.... xD Naw, but it means you're still a child.
Oh. Creative. xD That's the best excuse, too!
I took out the "t" in "Felt" since the box holds felt. xD Yeah, but it qualifies you as brain-damaged.
Fel? No reasons are the bext reasons! xD
I drew a face on one of them and named it Fel. xD For no reason. >_>
I guess... although I can't really afford any cases. I used to have some, but they're gone, too.. o_O