Conversation Between Ralz and Elyon Seraphim

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  1. OMG! Does leveling cover all of our stats!? Like HP and RP? Or maybe defeating certain battles does that... Nah, that's stupid. But maybe if we use runes and abilities more, they level up, become flashier and generally become more powerful? If you can do that, we can fix the excessive amount of runes. Say you have Nova learn Fire. Level it up, and it powers up to become Fira, and finally becoming Firaga, each upgrade making the spell flashier, but for the same cost! I'M BRAINSTORMING!!!!! I would like that, though. Try it.

    Do we have any characters besides the five we have planned!? What about Jill or Krystal? Maybe you have some other characters in mind!? Maybe we can have changeable parties! And thus the scenes can be different depending on who is in the party! Can we have scenes with just the villains, or are characters required to be on-scene, which would be lame...


    Ralz doesn't have a Keyblade, he has a giant skeleton key! Also, Elyon has a banana. Seriously.


    Will most battles be over in about a minute, tops? That'd be great... Also, I hope there's no sudden increases in difficulty. We should be allowed to accidentally wander into end-game zones so early on. Is the difficulty option at the beginning still on?


    I've also done more exploring into the VX, and I can help with certain other things. I can't provide sprites or texture, I'm mostly used for Word Documents, which I excel at!

    Also, what are you music choices besides Isumi's contributions? I'd love to know!
  2. So.... how's the demo coming along?

    Is it going to be different from this first demo? What happened to those Alpha games, they had the ATB I think...?

    Or... need any help with text boxes or locales? Should we just name things randomly, even if they aren't real words? Are the Elyon and Ralz portraits done? Were you able to confirm if we can change leader from Elyon to Ralz or Alther?

    How expansive is this demo? Can we visit caves or just the plain ol' overworld with one town? I fought Borghen in the demo, and is the music actually looping!? It never stopped to replay again! I also defeated the annoying anti-heroes.

    How about Overlimits? Are they coming along? You got multiple ones, like ones that just hit once for big damage, or ones that boost stats? (Which were in the demo, but I mean ones you start off with.) Does your character have a weapon in battle even without one being equipped?

    How do you plan to implement Nega-Chaosthroph? Take the normal colors of the maps and reduce their life? Make more shades of grey?

    I'm asking a lot because I've gone around studying the VX thing. Lots of events to make, huh? You know, you can entirely solve the chest item problem with just a text box saying "you found whatever!"

    Do you think we should better distribute abilities among the characters? And maybe get rid of some of those broken attacks in the demo? Ralz's COCOA RAGE was kinda too powerful. Then we get to the runes. Why bother casting lower-tier spells when you have the infinitely better versions? And for that matter, do we really need five tiers for each spell? It seems a touch excessive. Really, the main elemental spells need only three tiers, the cure spells need four, and the ultimate spells need like... 1. Life spells can max a 2, like you have. The inclusion of status-healing spells is nice, but hopefully more than Meigumi learns it.

    What am I saying? I'm completely ignoring the good things I say in First Fantasy! What about that map? Can we have that? Although, I don't think your areas should be so expansive and maze-like. Spend too much time walking around, and you forget what you're supposed to be doing!

    Then I saw the status screen in First Fantasy. I like the three bars that show the progress of your HP, MP and EXP. Can we have those? I personally think we're fine with our menu system, but that ring menu was cool, too. Although the controls were backwards.


    What about monster encounters? Are they random? Are they visible on the map? (Personally, I'd like the latter.) I like our battle results screen showing a bar that fills as you gain EXP, it motivates you more to level up. Although, we don't need our characters to say something when the battle ends. I really hope there's no prompt to "take all dropped items" as that should be automatic.

    OH, and speaking of items, do you have a New tab? Where all the recently obtained items go? How many copies of items can we carry? Hopefully 99 and not 20 like Star Ocean... >_>

    We can't have a JOURNAL!? But how can we inform the player of the rich history behind Chaosthroph? The main plot just gets the basic idea across. Those who look deeply enough to find Chaosthroph and Orderos to be very fascinating places. Before I snapped, I planned that Chaosthroph was a generally warm location, while Orderos was very cold. Opposite ends of the spectrum, after all. Well... if we can't have a Journal of all things... maybe a ReadMe? Our objectives should at least be clear, then, and not ridiculous, like... Take the key to the un-talked-about old man who lives past the swamp, then get him to give you his parcel, which you must take back to the village across the swamp you just went through.

    Conversations between characters shouldn't last long. Short-sweet-and to the point is the way to go, with a little humor tacked on for good effect. Their objectives should also be simple, and to be reasonable, spelled out. I was playing First Fantasy for like a half-hour before I realized the wells were access to the sewers, >_<
  3. I'm tearing myself to shreds...
  4. Everything is pretty much possible, But im too inexperianced to confirm some ideas, Nega-Chaosthroph is possible, I geuss you must have being working too hard, Everything will fall to piece with each other.

    Just take a rest man, You obviously need it.

    I can't stand this ridiculous plot, anymore! I've tried and I've tried, for over two hours now! I've sat in front on this blank word processor, writing nothing, because I can't make this work. Chaosthroph and Orderos are just plain dumb. HOW CAN THERE BE OUTER SPACE ELEMENTS TO A GAME THAT TAKES PLACE IN MEDIEVAL TIMES?

    Neither planet has the technology to actually visit the other world. And don't even mention that piece of crap "Ancient War" I brought up before. Gods above, what a retarded idea! Not only is it vague and uninspired, it also accomplished the exact opposite of what I had planned! It ruined the story, not made it better! It made everything more confusing, because we already have enough problems with time and such!

    Here are the ideas I did like, though:

    Yeah, not much. Even the Nega-Chaosthroph is starting to bug me. I mentioned before that us, the party, are sent to Orderos when Chaosthroph gets teleported.

    ...WTF!? How does that make any sense! How did the people of Orderos know where we were, how did they get us back to Orderos, and why didn't Dimitri just finish the job!? And I believe I had this scene planned after the defeat of the Government, and there's another idea that started out nice and got stupid as it went.

    BUT THAT'S NOT EVEN GETTING INTO THE FACT NOTHING EXCEPT THE PLANETS ARE NAMED! None of the towns have names, none of the continents are named! Nothing is named! Nothing is established! IT'S ALL BLACKBOARD BS!

    Elyon, you're the procrastinator here, not me! I've done not by my very best to keep this story afloat! And now I can't take it, anymore! And really, this isn't my story! It's yours! Look at your signature, Elyon. Open up that tab. This game is your dream, right? So why don't you take the helm of the story? I can refine it to make the story look clean, AND I REALLY HOPE YOU'LL LET ME PROOFREAD THE GAME BEFORE RELEASE!

    Elyon's story about his dead parents isn't bad, but why is their existences connected to Shira? Who is Shira for that matter? Where did it come from? What does it want? Is Elyon connected to it as well? And then there's Dimitri. Who is he? Where did he come from? What was he like before he acquired Shira's power? Was he even alive before he acquired Shira's power? Did Shira just go around possessing dead people to use their bodies or something?


    And really, Elyon, do you even possess the skills to even create nega-Chaosthroph, or is that not possible, either? Why not just shoot down every hope and dream I ever had for this game?
  6. You're destroying me here... All my plans are falling to pieces. The way this is going, it will be a very standard, run-of-the-mill quest to save the world... And you already mentioned that you can't combine all the stories into a final story because... the files won't convert or something?

    The plot is far from finished. All we have so far is...
    - Elyon's parents are dead
    - Said parents were containing the power of Shira, which Dimitri acquired
    - Dimitri is after something we have yet to explain, its possible he wants what Shira wants
    - Alther's friend Natasha met an unadmirable end, and Alther wants vengeance, but he doesn't know who dunnit, this is something of a rehash of Elyon's plot...
    - Ralz is traveling the world for self-discovery, and partially because he wants to follow in his dead father's footsteps. His precious, little secret is that he has some form of relation to Dimitri, I just need to figure out what it is without being too lame.
    - I say we drop this Meigumi secret, and just give her connections at the utopia
    - Nova is a magus-in-training and to complete his training, he needs to acquire the ultimate rune, which may or may not exist, his rival fighting him every step of the way

    Chaosthroph and Orderos are two separate PLANETS, devided by a stratosphere and outer space. We have yet to establish how one could visit the other without space ships or at least teleportation. Chaosthroph gets sucked into the nega-realm near the end of the game, because Shira/Dimitri used his power to send it there for some reason.
    - The nega-real is slowly devouring Chaosthroph, and its surface is lifeless, depressing and dying. People are eternally reexperiencing their last day for eternity.
    - The people on Orderos know that Dimitri must be stopped before Chaosthroph can return

    - The government is a select group of very intelligent children, who run the military and soecity of the utopia on the third continent (We should really start naming these places, and please, easily pronouncable ones.) We need to establish what they're after and why we, the heroes, want them taken down.
    - We need to explain what Shira is, where it came from, and how it came into contact with Dimitri
    - I think if we're dropping the stupid, useless war, that weapon has to go, too. We're better off.

    Wait! What about the colosseum? Can we still work with that? What about the accomplishments/crowns? We can't have those? And it weas my crowning moment in awesome...

    ...: (
  7. 'Kay, I explain what can be done.

    Separate Scenario's are possible, But they must be in seperate games.
    What it's done? Don't expect me to offer to much! You'll have either zit or zat.
  8. Ah, I get it.

    Storyz... ;_; Maybe we should start at the beginning before we get to the end. At the rate we're going, Orderos is serving no other purpose than a place to chill while Chaosthroph is nega-fied.

    Should I assume we're not using multiple senarios? (Assuming it was possible in the first place.) Like... no chapters describing each character or nothing?

    I get the feeling I've asked this question before...
  9. Well, I can delay sentences with an special command, I can also close the windows with another command, The text is always automatic.

    These are the only messages commands i know.

    .\ This command delays the text 1 second, If i put several of these in, The text is delayed longer, If i put at the end of the text, Then the confirmation window won't be showed until the seconds are gone.

    \^ This command closes the window forcefully instantly, By combining this and with the previous code, I can make the window close down directly are the delay seconds are over.

    There are more commands, From an script, I might go and grab it, Now to others.

    "I just saw one of the most dramatic movies in my entire life, If you get a chance, You must look after this movie, It's one of the Nicholas Cage's movies, It's called... "City of Angels", It's gawdamn touching, I never seen such brilliance in my entire live, The music... It was godly... The story... was extremely well planed and touching, It just makes me want to see it again..."

    Oh yeah, I geuss it's time to work alittle more, It's almost ready to start for realz.
  10. Oh. Can you also make automatic text, or text that automatically closes after a few seconds?

    Well, I suppose Elyon could be a a good party leader...
  11. Yeah... Maybe... I can't promise anything, The text boxes are relatively simple to add in, I is builded inside the system, I can't change the size, But i can make them have a dark background or being transperant, There are scripts to help with the messages.

    I can't promise on the switch part, The RMVX is annoying as heck at times, They can do some advanced things but they can never do something that COULD be useful at times. D:<
  12. Who was it? They must have a fast computer... o__O I wanted to ask... About the text boxes. How do they work? Do you tell the VX where to put them and how big they are? Do you need to create a separate document the game has to recognize? I can totally help with that if you need it.

    Attention span.... fading... can't remember... where to go... (Maybe we could just have the NPCs give general advice...)

    Say, Elyon, can we switch part leaders? That'd be cool. I'm assuming we're going with random encounters for enemies?

    Just wanna get this out of the way.
  13. Nonono, The Battle system that makes it look side-view IS called Tankentai, Someone made an ATB version of the Tankentai script.

    And no... I can't accomplish that either, Making speech bubbles appear in the status is a
    no-go, You have to write up on a paper or something to remember where to do or go.

    Well, The ideas are good, It's soon time to put them into action. Version 5.0 is almost ready for action!
  14. Hmm... I'm not sure about dropping such a big help... Is there a way to click on the character's portrait in the status screen which brings up their thought bubble or something? Maybe even their biography changes to illustrate what's happening?

    You've certainly accomplished unusual! I never knew ATB went by another name. I suppose I might favor expertise over style.

    I have some more ideas surrounding the government this time, but if we get too much into their story, I feel like Dimitri will take a back-seat. Maybe Dimitri starts off as an nuisance that slowly becomes worse and worse to fight? I dunno, I don't want Dimitri to be the "surprise villain behind it all" out of nowhere... Beta and Alphas, huh? Sounds exiciting! I'll look forward to all that, especially if more NPC interaction is involved. COCOA!!!!!

    I'm definitely working out the kinks for now, especially those surrounding nega-Chaosthroph. My next idea was that the beginning of the game has everyone gunning for taking out the government. Their rule is oppressive and Elyon and friends have had enough! Granted, its a far-fetched idea that a small group of villagers could infiltrate a heavily-armed military society, fight their way through battle after battle just to subue a bunch of genius kids. And after that, we still have Shira/Dimitri to deal with. I think Dimitri should present himself as an annoying threat throughout. Maybe we don't even have a clear idea of what he's after, just that he's going to be in our way, and we'll have to put him down everytime. I believe once I finish the ending of this game, I can work on the beginning. Weird order, I know...

    They are cool transitions, and look very nice. That's good, but its okay if it manages to get by.
  15. Sorry, Can't find anything...
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