Conversation Between Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima and Elyon Seraphim

457 Visitor Messages

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  1. Okay then...Just let me know when you are done. Oh and We are not to Kill Each other, UnderStand? This is a Friendly Match, I don't kill, i just Neutralize, and Disable my Opponents...But I don't Kill them. Anyway, I am also going to send you a Friend Request, and I would like to be friends with you.
  2. Ah! OK! im working on it now!
  3. Okay well, make a Character and Post his name and his Statistics, Bio, and his Techniques and stuff in this thread...
  4. Heh... sorry... first time i heard of something like this... sounds cool... so i wanted to give it a try.. but first i need to know how to do this...
  5. What do you mean by how do you do this? You mean to Accept it, or To Fight?
  6. Thanks dude! But... i question... HOW DO I DO THIS???
  7. Yo Man...If you want to Accept My Challenge I'll be glad to be your Opponent For the Match...Only if you want to.
Showing Visitor Messages 451 to 457 of 457
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