Conversation Between Alther Primus and Elyon Seraphim

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  1. Im all fine! Just released the game now and is going to celebrate it with some really tasty chicken tonight.

    Hope you like it!
  2. 'Sup Elyon?
  3. Thanks, But i gotta go to bed now, But leave it in my channel, And i'll grab it tomorrow Friday.
  4. ROTFL, thanks, I'm gonna edit it for a new boss if you are willing
  5. LOL, After all these days, I still have it...

    I'll place it in my album "All of my Gaming Knowledge" or something like that.
  6. Hey Elyon, remember waaaaaaaay back when (Back when I was Armageddon) I sent you some modded sprite sheets? If you still have mine, would you mind sending it my way?
  7. I posted up a new Titlepic!
  8. Shadow Productions is now hosting your game!
  9. Thanks! (I hope now you get it )
  10. Of course you have my permission.
  11. I know, I figured you would, at least, be an "idea guy" if that works (If nothing else I only need your permission.)
  12. Still... I can't create 3-D stuff! O_o

    You'll have to create them for yourself then. OMIGAWD
  13. All those threads in CoC are about a "future, 3D model" version, not your awesome 2D version! Thought I'd let ya know!
  14. Hope you'll forgive me for all the new non-RP threads, although they COULD aply to the RP in some ways!
  15. I think I've brought activity to the group LOL!
Showing Visitor Messages 436 to 450 of 1276
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